首页 / 词典 / good

  • Close;reach;approach;gather up;hold together
  • 凑起,总合:~共。~总。归~。

  • 靠近,船只靠岸:~岸。拉~。

  • 使不松散或不离开:收~。~音。把孩子~在怀里。

  • 梳,用梳子整理头发:~一~头发。

  • 合上,聚集:她笑得嘴都合不~了。


(聚集; 聚拢) gather up; hold together:

  • 把头发拢住

    gather up hair;

  • 把孩子拢在怀里

    hold a child in one's arms


(靠近; 到达) approach; reach:

  • 拢岸

    come alongside the shore;

  • 快拢工地了

    will reach the worksite soon


(总合) add up; sum up:

  • 拢账

    sum up the accounts;

  • 拢总

    add together


(梳) comb:

  • 用梳子拢了拢头发

    comb hair with a comb


(合上) close; shut:

  • 笑得嘴都拢不上了

    grin from ear to ear

  1. 我想征求他的意见,但发现很难和他谈得拢。

    I 'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach .

  2. 她的头发拢在后面,扎成一个马尾辫。

    Her hair was scraped back from her face in a ponytail .

  3. 她把棕色的头发从眼前拢到脑后。

    She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes .

  4. 树叶已经用耙子拢成了一堆。

    The leaves had been raked into a pile .

  5. 这窗帘中间合不拢。

    The curtains don 't meet in the middle .

  6. 她把头发拢起来塞进帽子里。

    She tucked her hair under her cap .

  7. 她把头发朝脸后拢,使高高的颧骨显得更为突出。

    She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones .

  8. 他笑得合不拢嘴。

    He was grinning from ear to ear .

  9. 马特把牌拢起来洗牌。

    Matt picked up the cards and shuffled the deck .

  10. 他双手拢在嘴边,大声呼喊黛安娜。

    He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for Diane

  11. 他笑了,用手指拢了拢他的头发。

    He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair

  12. 窗帘用穗子拢了起来。

    The curtains were held back by tassels .

  13. 索菲亚·彼得罗夫娜拉拢娜塔莎做她的助手。

    Sofia Petrovna co-opted Natasha as her assistant .

  14. 由于在受邀人员一事上谈不拢,和平会谈的计划化为了泡影。

    Plans for a peace conference failed due to disagreement on who should be allowed to attend

  15. 她用双手揽起头发,拢到脑后,挽成一个松松的结。

    She grabbed her hair in both hands and swept it back , tying it in a loose knot

  16. 这则笑话逗得他笑得合不拢嘴。

    The joke made him grin from ear to ear .

  17. 大家就拢来烤火取暖。

    They all moved towards the fire to get warm .

  18. 这箱子的盖子盖不拢。

    This lid of the box doesn 't close properly .

  19. 露天剧场不拢音。

    The acoustics of the open-air theatre are not good .

  20. 我来给你拢一拢头(发)。

    Let me comb your hair .

  21. 他打了个呵欠,把身子再蜷拢点儿,往雨披里缩了缩。

    He yawned and curled his body down farther beneath the poncho .

  22. 例句当我拿到考试成绩时,我开心极了,笑得合不拢嘴。

    When I got my exam results , I was grinning from ear to ear .

  23. 他把山羊赶拢在一起。

    He herded up his goats .

  24. 母鸡带着一群小鸡在地里觅食,当它感到危险时,便将小鸡拢在翅膀下面,紧紧护住,天上飞过的鹰见无机可乘,只好悻悻飞走。

    A hen and a flock of chicken were looking for food in the field . When she felt any danger , the hen would protect the chicken under her wing . The eagles and falcons could find no opportunity but to leave sulkily .

  25. MR颈脊髓造影可直接显示神经根受压移位,骤拢,上翘的细节及根袖囊肿。

    MR-myelography could optimally display the detail information about the compression of nerve roots .

  26. roundup赶拢,集拢;围捕,兜捕警察逮捕恶棍。

    The police rounded up the crooks .

  27. n.赶拢;驱集遗失的牛在一年一度的驱集中被发现。

    roundup The missing cattle are discovered in the annual roundup .

  28. 去年春天,曾有报道称IBM正努力将该业务出售给联想,但最终双方因价格谈不拢而作罢。

    Efforts were reportedly underway to sell the business to Lenovo last spring , but they broke down over price .

  29. 达洛伊西奥(NickD’Aloisio)意气风发地走进伦敦巴尔?布鲁(BarBoulud)餐厅,与人坚定地握着手,描绘他未来事业蓝图的时候,你应该会惊讶得合不拢嘴了吧。

    Thus it 's rather a shock when you first encounter Nick D'Aloisio striding into London 's Bar Boulud restaurant , firmly shaking hands and proceeding to outline his entrepreneurial vision .

  30. 自由Dirac方程正、负宇称电子解的简并性可造成计算一级微拢能量的不确定性。

    Degeneracy of parity even and odd electron solutions of the free Dirac equation may cau - se uncertainties in first order calculation of the perturbative energy .