
  • 网络Come Dancing;Mari Bertandak;Dance Now
  1. 你为什么不回我的电话,也不来跳舞?

    Why don 't you answer the phone or come dancing ?

  2. 今晚来跳舞吧。

    Come dancing this evening .

  3. Max,太感谢你带我来跳舞了。

    Max , thank you so much for taking me dancing .

  4. “对,我们来跳舞吧。”妈妈说。

    " Yes , let 's dance . " said Mom .

  5. 我希望用我们的身体来跳舞,而不是用嘴巴。

    I hope dance with our body , but not mouth .

  6. 那么我一身杂菜酱来跳舞?

    How about if I dance around all covered in sauce ?

  7. 观众是来跳舞或者欣赏音乐的吗?

    Do customers come to dance or to appreciate music ?

  8. 来跳舞,来跳舞,来吧。

    Come and dance , Come and dance , come .

  9. 如果你不想喝酒,我们来跳舞吧。

    If you don 't wanna drink , then let 's dance .

  10. 来跳舞的多半是年青人。

    Those who came to dance were mostly young .

  11. 来跳舞吧,你脸上有快白的东西。

    Let 's go dance * You have something white on your face .

  12. 你需要用他们来跳舞。露西说。

    You need them to dance , says Lucy .

  13. 让我们来跳舞。-他很善于最现代的诗歌。

    Let 's dance . - he 's handy with the most modern poems .

  14. 我已经说的太多了不说了来跳舞吧

    I 've already said too much . I should stop talking and start dancing

  15. 我们现在来跳舞吧,是的,这会有些堵车。

    Now we shall dance , and yes , it will be a slow jam .

  16. 就喝一杯,然后来跳舞。

    Just one drink and go dance .

  17. 我们来跳舞,直到我们有了6个孩子和1座房子。

    Now I will dance with you until we have six babies and a house .

  18. 唔,多么美丽的一天!我们一起来跳舞吧!

    A5 : Hu ! Hu ! what a nice day ! Let us dance together !

  19. 那麽我能用8个节奏来跳舞同时也享受跳1的乐趣吗?

    But could I dance to all8 counts of the music and still enjoy dancing On1 ?

  20. 好的,谢谢你今晚陪我来跳舞。

    All right . it 's very kind of you to have accompanied me here tonight .

  21. 没有时间来跳舞吧!

    No time to dance !

  22. “女孩子们觉得在花露斯这个地方来跳舞不雅观,”他解释说。

    The maids don 't think it respectable to dance at " The Flower-de-Luce ", 'he explained .

  23. 音乐可以拯救你的灵魂吗?你可以教我如何放慢速度来跳舞吗?

    Can music save your mortal soul ? And can you teach me how to dance real slow ?

  24. 舞蹈课不是参观的,舞蹈课是来跳舞的,那儿有舞鞋。

    Teacher : You don 't observe a dance class . You dance a dance class . Spare shoes are over there .

  25. 我不认识你,但若你感到快活,你知道你要做什么?应该是热情如火!来跳舞吧!

    I don 't know about you , but if you 're feeling the groove , you know what you gotta do ? It 's got to be fire ! Let 's dance !

  26. 也就是从那时起,小云儿每周末都会来学习跳舞。

    Since then , Wu Gangyun went to learn dancing with Zhang every weekend .

  27. 而且什么样的衰人才会来这里跳舞?

    And what kind of loser comes here to dance ?

  28. 那是日本来的跳舞机:‘跳跳革命’。

    It 's that dance machine from Japan , Dance Dance Revolution .

  29. 你们不是来上跳舞课的。

    You didn 't come herefor a dance lesson .

  30. 你经常来这儿跳舞吗?

    Do you often come here to dance ?