
lái lái huí huí
  • back and forth;up and down;to and fro;backwards and forwards
  1. 但目前正在进行的讨价还价(施密特最近将其形容为与监管机构来来回回)显示,谷歌已把足够的内容放到谈判桌上,使欧方认为值得进行认真的后续商谈。

    But the bargaining under way – which Mr Schmidt recently described as a back and forth with the regulator – indicates that Google put enough on the table to make serious follow up worthwhile .

  2. 有时候我觉得自己像个保龄球,来来回回地碰撞,落到滚球槽里,心想:上帝啊,幸好这有沟槽挡住我,要不然该有多悲惨啊。

    Sometimes I feel like a bowling ball bumping back and forth , down the lane , you know , thinking god , there is the gutter bangser thing or else it would be very ugly .

  3. 这种在编辑、发行人、销售市场部之间来来回回的决策过程会一直持续到各方都满意为止。

    A process of to-and-fro between editor , publisher , sales and marketing continues until everyone is happy .

  4. 一名女子在缅街(mainstreet)来来回回地走着,怀里抱着一只五个月大的漂亮的黑色拉布拉多混血狗。

    The woman walked up and down Main Street carrying a beautiful 5-month-old black Labrador mix in her arms .

  5. 3.shuttlev.往返运送,穿梭移动我们来来回回地用直升机把旅客运送到市中心。

    We shuttled the passengers to the city center by helicopter .

  6. 对于long-polling的最好的地方是,可以降低浏览器和客户端间来来回回的次数。

    The benefit to long-polling is that there is less back-and-forth between the client and server .

  7. Paige说,“我认为我们可以一次性买完所有装修要用的东西,”表示只需去商店一次,不需要来来回回地跑。

    Paige says ," we can get everything we need to fix up the house in one trip ," meaning one time going to the store ; we don 't need to go back again and again .

  8. 马克:大多数这些一样的东西都是来来回回的发。

    Mark : Most of the same stuff keeps going around .

  9. 因为他太口渴了,来来回回的飞。

    So he thinks and thinks , and then flies away .

  10. 生命只是一次来来回回的过场!

    The life is just a case of coming and leaving !

  11. 在这条路上来来回回,已经是第三趟了哪!

    We 've drifted up and down this road three times already .

  12. 来来回回的不容易。

    It 's not easy being shipped back and forth .

  13. 来来回回会浪费我的时间。

    B.that would waste my time going to and from .

  14. 他们来来回回地讨论,没有很大进展。

    They discussed it back and forth , without getting very far .

  15. 老师一边说话一边在教室前面来来回回的走动。

    The teacher walked to-and-fro in front of the class as he spoke .

  16. 整晚有很多的士来来回回这条街。-

    There 's been cabs up and down this street all night . -

  17. 哆啦A梦经常驾驶着时光机来来回回。

    Doraemon is often seen piloting the time machine .

  18. 我只听见寂寞,在草丛里来来回回的奔跑!

    I can only hear loneliness who is running and running among the grasses !

  19. 所以,你不定来来回回。

    So you kept walking back and forth .

  20. 深更半夜,来来回回你累不累啊?

    Deep more midnight , come to return to return you tired not tired ?

  21. 我们最经常做的动作之一就是在我们的浏览历史中来来回回。

    One of our favorite tricks involves navigating back or forth through our page history .

  22. 我看着他来来回回。

    I watch him coming and going .

  23. 可爱的小金鱼来来回回。

    Pretty little goldfish come and go .

  24. 但你不能总是这样来来回回,这没道理。

    But you cannot keep going back and forth like this . it 's ridiculous .

  25. 她这辈子都只需要来来回回运水。”

    She 's going to spend most of her life lugging water back and forth . "

  26. 母亲就提着柳篮,来来回回地在天空下搜寻。

    Mother carried the wicker basket and searched those rice panicles under the sky up and down .

  27. 上百条小艇来来回回地从我们身边穿梭而过,海面风平浪静。

    Hundreds of little sail-boats swung to and fro close by , and the sea was calm .

  28. 从四年级到六年级,我生活中的多数时候都是在帕克大街上来来回回。

    From fourth through sixth grades , most of my life ran up and down Park Avenue .

  29. 她皱起眉,来来回回地看着爱德华和我,这次她看得不慌不忙,显然是故意的。

    She frowned and looked back and forth between Edward and me , this time very deliberately .

  30. 那里面有很多人,有站着的,有坐着的,有来来回回走着的,有哭喊着的。

    There were many people there , some standing , some sitting , some walking about , some crying .