
  1. 不论你是不是韩剧粉,想必你已经听说过在国内大火的韩剧《太阳的后裔》。

    Whether you 're a fan of South Korean dramas or not , you probably already knowthat Descendants of the Sun ( 《

  2. 中国热门流媒体网站爱奇艺周二表示,韩剧《太阳的后裔》在该网站的播放量已突破2亿次。

    South Korean drama " Descendants of the Sun " has collected more than 200 million views on iQiyi , the Chinese streaming website said Tuesday .

  3. 《太阳的后裔》的剧情设定在一个饱受战争蹂躏的国家,讲述的是联合国维和部队的一名上尉和一名志愿者医生之间的爱情故事。

    The plot is set in a war-torn country , and the drama features a love story between a UN peacekeeping troop 's captain and a volunteer doctor .

  4. 韩剧《太阳的后裔》讲述了一位被赋予维和使命的上尉军官,被派到遥远的虚构国家执行使命,随后打败阴暗的亲信从而拯救了恋人的故事。

    Descendants of the Sun tells the story of an army captain sent on a peacekeeping mission to a distant fictional country , battling shady henchmen to save his love interest .

  5. 现在,他又鼓励泰国民众观看《太阳的后裔》。这是一部在韩国、中国、日本等国家吸引大量观众的电视剧。

    Now he has urged Thais to watch Descendants of the Sun , a drama that is winning over scores of viewers in South Korea , China , Japan and beyond .

  6. 韩国电视连续剧《太阳的后裔》大大提高了中国的付费观众人数,这些观众此前都是习惯于在自己的手机和平板电脑上看免费剧集。

    South Korean TV drama ' Descendants of the Sun ' has boosted the number of paying viewers in China , who are accustomed to watch free shows on their phones and tablets .

  7. 电视剧《太阳的后裔》主要讲述了一位年轻的韩国军官和一名女性医生之间的浪漫爱情故事。他们都是在虚构的国家乌鲁克参与维和行动。

    The show focuses on the romance between a young South Korean army captain and a female physician , who are both part of a peacekeeping mission in the fictional country of Uruk .

  8. 假如你还没入《太阳的后裔》这个坑,本文先给你普及一下剧情:这部剧一共16集,男主宋仲基饰演帅气的军官,女主宋慧乔饰演漂亮的医生,也就是他的女友。

    If you haven 't already jumped on the Descendants bandwagon , the 16-episode drama stars actor Song Joong-ki as a dashing military man , and actress Song Hye-kyo as his gorgeous doctor-muse .

  9. 在您追看《太阳的后裔》过程中,为了您的身心健康,我们强烈建议您在手边备好以下几样东西。

    Just for the sake of your health and sanity , we have come up with a list of things you should definitely have on standby , as you binge-watch Descendants Of The Sun .

  10. 作为今年最热点的文化现象之一,《太阳的后裔》讲述的是一名维和战士和一位医生之间的浪漫爱情故事,自从二月份首播以来便在整个亚洲积攒了足够的人气。

    One of the most talked-about cultural phenomenons this year , the South Korean TV drama depicting a romance between a soldier and a doctor has enjoyed immense popularity across Asia since its debut in February .

  11. 自2月起在韩国播出的16集电视剧《太阳的后裔》,在中国在线流媒体网站爱奇艺(iQiyi)上的观看次数已经超过20亿次,引发了中国政府的不满。

    Descendants of the Sun , a 16-episode show that first aired in Korea in February , has been viewed more than 2bn times on iQiyi , a Chinese online streaming site , irritating the authorities .

  12. 热播剧《太阳的后裔》在中国迄今为止已经获得19.2亿的点击量,也让人们看到企业是怎样从那些想要模仿明星风格的粉丝身上获取利润的。

    The popularity of Descendants of the Sun , which has been viewed a combined 1.92 billion times online in China , shows how companies can benefit from consumers who want to mimic styles of celebrities .

  13. 从宏观的角度来看,韩国人口的五分之一大约是1000万人,而观看《太阳的后裔》第三集的观众人数比这一数字还要多一点点。

    To put things into perspective , a fifth of South Korea 's population is 10 million people . Just a little over that number tuned in to watch the third episode of Descendants of the Sun .

  14. 在上周二于北京召开的新闻发布会上,浙江影视集团华策影业宣布,计划在未来两年内将2016年热播韩剧《太阳的后裔》改编成一部中国版的电影,将其搬上大荧幕。

    The 2016 South Korean hit TV drama Descendants of the Sun is expected to head to the big screen as a Chinese-adaptation sometime over the next two years , Huace Film And TV , a Zhejiang Province-based media group , announced at a Beijing press conference last Tuesday .

  15. 自从KBS2电视台播放的韩剧《太阳的后裔》在中国掀起一阵韩剧狂潮之后,我们不禁扪心自问:为什么拥有如此庞大观众群体的中国不能制作出如此受欢迎的电视剧呢?

    With Descendants of the Sun , a new South Korean series on KBS2 , being a big hit with TV viewers on the Chinese mainland , people cannot but ask : why cannot China , a country with a much larger audience , make such popular TV dramas ?

  16. 中国公安部最近就在其官方微博上告诫粉丝们:看热门韩剧《太阳的后裔》,“有危险,也能引发法律风险”,尤其“当很多人都爱上了男主宋仲基”。

    That is , according to China 's Ministry of Public Security , which recently warned its followers on its official Weibo that watching the hit Korean series Descendants Of The Sun could be potentially " dangerous and even lead to legal troubles , " especially because " many have fallen in love with the male lead Song Joong-ki . "

  17. 天皇是太阳神的后裔。

    That the emperor is the descendant of the sun goddess .