
  • 网络Too naive;So Naive
  1. 不要太天真,以免被他们的谎言所欺骗。

    Don 't be so naive as to be taken in by their lies .

  2. 他说,他们太天真了!

    They 're so naive ! he said .

  3. 如果以为他的决定没有金钱的因素,那就太天真了。

    It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision .

  4. 我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福。

    I must have been naive to think we would get my parents ' blessing .

  5. 在错综复杂的政治斗争中不要太天真了!

    Do not be rather unsophisticated in the complicated political struggle .

  6. 你要相信这样的话,那就太天真了。

    If you believe that sort of talk you 're really naive .

  7. 但不要太天真。

    But don 't be too naive .

  8. 他们表示,事情都怪那个女实习生太天真。“这个女孩是在阿米什(amish)农场之类的地方长大的吗?”

    The intern , they said , was to blame for being naive . " Was this girl raised on an Amish farm or something ? "

  9. 被Soghoian博士瞄准的机构开始往往总要指责他,说他搞错了或是太天真,而后就得承认他是对的并且修改自身的政策,或是发布一个声明说改进本身就已经在进行中了。

    The organisations targeted by Dr Soghoian usually start off by accusing him of being mistaken or naive , before admitting that he is right and modifying their policies , or issuing a statement saying that a fix was already in the works .

  10. 贝蒂白色,因为她太天真可爱。

    Betty White , because she 's so sweet and innocent .

  11. 但是随着时间的推移,我们发现自己太天真了。

    However over time , we realized that we were naive .

  12. 祷告?我从未想到过,听起来太天真了。

    The idea was strange to me . It sounded too simple .

  13. 不要太天真以至相信他说的一切。

    Don 't be so innocent as to believe everything he says .

  14. 但是如果说你的产品没有竞争者,那就太天真了。

    But claiming that you have no competition is naive .

  15. 你觉得我不在乎太天真了

    To think that I 'd be unaffected is naive .

  16. 他太天真,轻信别人的话。

    He is too ingenuous in believing what people say .

  17. 要成功就不能太天真。

    You can 't be too dewy-eyed if you want to succeed .

  18. 得了菲尔别太傻太天真

    Come on , Phil . You can 't be that naive .

  19. 她太天真,轻信别人的话。

    She is too ingenuous in believing what others say .

  20. 也许我看东西太天真有时。

    Maybe I see things too naively at times .

  21. 你这样想真是太天真了。

    It 's naive of you to think so .

  22. 问题是:他们的信心到底是现实呢还是因为太天真了?

    The question is : is their confidence realistic or na ï ve ?

  23. 你想得太天真了,可怜的孩子。

    You think like a child , poor boy .

  24. 我是否太天真,仍然相信美好的东西会长久?

    Am I too naive , still believing that good things will last ?

  25. 你这样做太天真了你自己也知道

    You 're being naive and you know it .

  26. 但他谢绝了。他说他认为自己在政治上太天真。

    He declined , saying he thought he was too naive in politics .

  27. 如果你认为残忍的敌人能轻易和解,那你就太天真了。

    You are naive if you believe implacable foes can be reconciled easily .

  28. 认为没有风险就太天真了。

    It would be naive to think otherwise .

  29. 您还是太天真了。

    And even there you could be wrong .

  30. 相信他好转是我太天真了

    I 'm afraid I was just naive enough to believe he 'd changed .