
  • 网络Solar generator;solar power
  1. 他有一部用来和他的家人以及女友通话的手机,以及一台可以为手机充电的小型太阳能发电机。

    He had a cell phone , which he charged with a small solar generator and used to call his family and his girlfriend .

  2. 太阳能发电机的交流也是一个通用电气的2010年绿色创想挑战,但这方面的竞争奖励资金,旨在提高能源利用项目的候选人。

    The AC Solar Generator is also a candidate for General Electric's2010 Ecomagination Challenge , a competition that awards funding to projects designed to improve energy use .

  3. 研制和设计高速高效太阳能发电机的一些问题

    Some aspects of the development and design of a high-speed , high-efficiency solar energy generator

  4. 它是交流太阳能发电机已引起了多家公司,谁愿意开发用于大规模使用产品的兴趣。

    It is the AC Solar Generator that has caught the interest of a number of companies who would like to develop the product for large-scale use .

  5. 举例而言,斯图尔特正在与一家领先的南非移动电话运营商MTN洽谈,该公司已在偏远乡村的天线基站综合利用太阳能板和风力发电机。

    Stuart , for example , is talking with MTN , a leading South African mobile phone operator that has been combining solar panels with wind turbines at antenna base stations in remote rural areas .

  6. 而更大的村庄可以使用太阳能、水利和发电机的组合,从而建立一个电网。它足够为卫生诊所、水稻磨坊和水泵提供能量。

    And larger villages can use a combination of solar , hydro and generator power to create a grid with enough energy to power health clinics , rice mills and water pumps .