
  • National Air and Space Museum;the Space Museum
  1. 我去过月亮镇的太空博物馆。

    I 've been to Space Museum in Moon Town .

  2. 他们去年去过太空博物馆。

    They went to the space museum last year .

  3. 玛丽告诉我们她昨天已经在太空博物馆看到了什么。

    Mary told us what she had seen in the Space Museum the day before .

  4. 凯特从没去过太空博物馆。

    Kate has a space museum .

  5. 参观太空博物馆

    Visit the Space Museum

  6. 这个密苏里州的国家太空博物馆弗吉尼亚在旅行最多轨道飞行器会有这次的发现。

    This Missourian national space museum Stephen F Virginia would get this discovery on the most traveled orbiter .

  7. 请收集一些关于中国太空博物馆,中国科技博物馆和北京动物园的信息。

    Please get some information about the China Space museum , the China science and technology Museum and Beijing Zoo .

  8. 你觉得我们在华盛顿时会不会有时间去参观一下太空博物馆?

    Do you think we 'll have time to fit in a visit to the space museum when we 're in washington ?

  9. 特别值得一提的太空船在博物馆列入,因为它肯定是非常中展出最新的飞机是从当代正视。

    It is especially worth noting SpaceShipOne 's inclusion in the museum , as it is certainly among the very newest aircraft on display and is squarely from contemporary times .