
  • 网络Moonwalk;a Tour de Force
  1. 太空竞争以第一次在月球行走而达到顶峰。

    The space race reached its culmination in the first moon walk .

  2. 多亏有这款新型运动鞋,现在你不必排队等待太空旅行就能体验月球行走。

    Thanks to these new sneakers , you don 't need to wait for space tourism to take off to experience walking on the moon .

  3. 这也是Stringdusters乐队由“警察”创作的主打歌曲《WalkingOnTheMoon(在月球上行走)》封面明显区别于蓝草风格的很好写照。

    Which is also a good description of the Stringdusters distinctly non-bluegrass cover of the Police hit " Walking On The Moon . "

  4. 我们来更深入的探讨这一问题:尼尔阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)能在月球上行走,得益于政府的管理、政府的资金、以及政府最闻名于世的雄心壮志之一。

    More to the point : Neil Armstrong walked on the moon thanks to government management , government money and one of the most famous of all government ambitions .

  5. 第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。

    The first walk on the moon is quite an accomplishment .

  6. 在月球上行走回望地球

    Walk around the moon and look back at the world .

  7. 人在月球上行走的实况电视画面。

    Live pictures of a man walking on the moon .

  8. 也就是说,在月球表面行走。

    That is , for the walk on the moon .

  9. 宇航员说能在月球上行走是他无上的光荣。

    The astronaut said that walking on the moon was his crowning glory .

  10. 在月球上行走是不可能的。

    It is impossible to walk on the moon .

  11. 在月球上行走是相当有趣的(事)。

    It is fun to walk on the moon .

  12. 数百万人在电视上观看宇航员在月球上行走。

    Millions of people watched astronauts walk on the moon on the TV .

  13. 总结在火星上行走要比在月球上行走要容易。

    N concluded that walking on the mars is easier than on the moon .

  14. 他作为月球上行走第一人而闻名于世。

    He had the distinction of being the first man to walk on the moon .

  15. 纽曼得出结论,火星上行走比在月球上行走可能会更容易。

    Newman concluded that walking on Mars will probably be easier than walking on the Moon .

  16. 地球之友成立与人类首次在月球上行走发生在同一年。

    Friends of the Earth was founded in the same year that man first walked on the Moon .

  17. 也许你永远不可能在月球上行走,但是在乌尤尼盐沼,你可以感觉到月球离你是如此地接近。

    You 'll probably never walk on the moon , but in Uyuni , you 'll come pretty close .

  18. 我们在很短的时间内制定了太空计划,十二年后,我们已经能在月球上行走。

    We built a space program almost overnight , and twelve years later , we were walking on the moon .

  19. 艾伦·斯特恩:在60年代,当我还是个孩子的时候,宇航员每隔几个月就能到月球上行走,在月球表面不同的地方探测各种地形。

    Alan Stern : When I was a boy , in the1960s , astronauts walked on the moon every few months and explored different terrains , different sites on the moon .

  20. 比如,《匹兹堡邮政公报》1969年刊登的一篇关于尼尔•阿姆斯特朗(和埃德文•欧德林)在月球上行走的报道现在就可以在http://tinyurl.com/man-on-the-moon/上看到。

    As an example , the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 's coverage of Neil Armstrong 's ( and Edwin Aldrin 's ) 1969 moon walk can be found at http : / / tinyurl . com / man-on-the-moon / .

  21. 谷歌没有披露自己参与星际探索的任何计划,但设立了2000万美元奖项,用于奖励在明年底之前实现机器人登陆月球、行走500米并发回图像的任何民间项目。

    Google has not disclosed any plans of its own to engage in interplanetary exploration , though it has offered a $ 20m prize for any private mission before the end of next year that can land a robot on the moon , travel 500 meters and send back images .

  22. Newman推断在火星上的行走易于在月球上的行走,月球的重力小于火星,所以在月球重力的作用下,潜水者要努力保持平衡并且走路更笨拙一些。

    Newman concluded that walking on Mars will probably be easier than walking on the Moon . The Moon has less gravity than Mars does , so at lunar gravity , the divers struggled to keep their balance and walked awkwardly .

  23. 皮特·康拉德曾经说,他对他在太空实验室的任务比在月球上的行走更自豪。

    Pete Conrad used to say he was prouder of his work on the Skylab missions than his walk on the Moon .

  24. 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。

    One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together .

  25. 月球着陆器着陆冲击、月球车行走、月壤原位勘察测试取样和月球基地建设,都存在人工装置与月壤相互作用的问题。

    The interaction of lunar soil and manual facilities exists in exploration of the lunar , such as the landing of lunar lander , the moving of lunar rover , in situ tests of lunar soil , sampling of lunar soil and the construction of lunar bases .