
  1. 于治疗后2个月再次采集龈沟液,记录龈沟液量,检查并记录临床指标(PL、SBI、PD、AL),检测龈沟液中IL-6及雌二醇的水平。

    After 2 months treatment collect GCF again , record the volume of GCF , check and record clinical index ( PL , SBI , PD , AL ), detect the IL-6 and estrogen in GCF .

  2. 结果颞叶脑沟一般从胎龄5个月开始显像,至8个月各脑沟全部出现;

    Results The grooves began to appear in the fifth month and fully developed at the end of the eighth month .

  3. 结果术后1个月,3个月,6个月鼻唇沟皱褶改善明显。

    Results The improvement of the nasolabial folds were obvious according to our evaluation in 1 、 3 、 6 month after the injection .