
  • 网络lunar probe;lunar exploration satellite;satellite system
  1. 基于MDO方法的月球探测卫星总体设计

    The System Design of Lunar Exploration Satellite Using MDO

  2. 根据月球探测卫星任务及环境的特点,在将多学科设计优化(MDO)方法用于卫星总体概念阶段的设计。

    Multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) was used in conceptual system design for lunar exploration satellite according to the task and characteristics of the lunar satellite in this paper .

  3. NASA的人造月球探测卫星运行到了一个距月球表面相当近的距离,足矣看清当年宇航员在月球上的行进轨迹。

    Nasa 's lunar reconnaissance orbiter got close enough to see the spacemen 's path when they walked on the moon .

  4. 月球探测卫星的飞行姿态和轨道特点决定了卫星天线有交替覆盖测控站的现象。

    Because of the moon-surveying satellite 's attitude and orbit , its two antennas , with different frequencies , will cover the ground station alternately .

  5. 本文的主要目的是寻找一种反演方法,利用月球探测卫星微波辐射计的亮度温度数据评估月壤厚度。

    The aim of this paper is to find a method to estimate the thickness of lunar soil from the values measured by lunar microwave radiometer .

  6. 本文依据多学科设计优化中可变复杂度建模的思想,以月球探测卫星为背景型号建立了卫星的两级可变复杂度模型。

    Based on the thought of variable-complexity modeling in multidisciplinary design optimization , a two level variable-complexity model is established with the background of moon exploring satellite .

  7. 双方还同意在生物医药、生物育种、月球和火星探测、卫星研发等领域开展更多合作。

    They also agreed to carry out more cooperation in the fields such as biomedicine , biological breeding , moon and Mars exploration and satellite research and development .