
  • 网络selective sampling
  1. 同时,研究基于报文长度的选择性采样方法和系统采样方法对TRW算法检测性能的影响。

    At the same time , this thesis compares the detection performance of the scan detection algorithm TRW in the selective sampling method based on the packet length and the system sampling method .

  2. 实验结果表明,在确保两种采样方法采样前后报文数相等的情况下,基于数据报文长度的选择性采样方法对TRW算法的检测性能影响较小,能够获得更高的扫描成功检测率。

    The experiment results show that on the condition that the packets number is equal before and after sampling , the selective sampling method based on the packet length generates less influence on the detection performance of TRW and can obtain high accuracy of scan detection .

  3. 同时,针对已有的基于数据报文长度的选择性采样方法,从理论上分析了其对扫描检测算法性能的影响。

    Meanwhile , to the known selective sampling method based on the length of the packet , this thesis analyzes its influence on the performance of the scan detection in theory .

  4. 痕量有毒有机物的监测意义重大,传统方法难以达到要求,迫切需要发展高效、经济、有选择性的采样技术,以及与之配套的样品前处理和分析方法。

    It is of great important to monitor trace poisonous organic substance , while the traditional approach can not meet the requirements . It cries for high efficient , economic and selectable sampling techniques and its coordinated pretreatment and analysis methods for samplers .