
  • 网络Draft Day;draftday
  1. 跳投和不断攻击篮筐,这是选秀日球队将未来的全明星球员布兰登-罗伊(BrandonRoy)交易到开拓者换来弗耶和一些现金时想要的球员类型。

    Shooting and attacking the rim from the jump , this is the kind of player the team envisioned when it traded future All-Star Brandon Roy to Portland on draft night for Foye and cash .

  2. 他是选秀日当天被灰熊交易到火箭的。

    He was acquired from Memphis in a draft-day trade .

  3. 达拉斯独行侠队在选秀日的交易中获得了东契奇;

    Dallas acquired Doncic in a draft-day trade ;

  4. 但在选秀日换来超音速32岁的雷阿伦来搭配29岁的皮尔斯后,加内特或许改变了主意。因为这使得凯尔特人队将在未来几年变得极富竞争性。

    But the acquisition of Allen , 32 , in a draft-day trade with Seattle to go with Pierce , 29 , may have helped change Garnett 's mind because it makes the Celtics more competitive in the next few years .