
  • 网络Nine Lives
  1. 猫也许有九条命,但这只叫Sam的猫因为有着不同寻常的长相,它只有一个表情:愁啊!

    He may have nine lives , but thanks to his unusual fur markings , Sam the cat has only one expression - worried .

  2. 迪伦怎么样?他可有九条命。

    What about dylan ? He 's got nine lives .

  3. 不过,他的九条命是否已然用光?

    But has he used up the last of his nine lives ?

  4. 一只猫有九条命,但好奇心足以让猫丧命。

    A cat has nine lives , but curiosity killed the cat .

  5. 猫行动迅速,所以人们说它有九条命。

    A cat can move so quickly that people say it has nine lives .

  6. 这只猫可能没有九条命。

    The cat may not have nine lives .

  7. 现代人认为猫有九条命,就是受了古埃及传统的影响。

    The modern belief that a cat has nine lives comes from this tradition .

  8. 为什么洋品牌都有九条命?

    Why Does Foreign Brand Last Forever ?

  9. 但是他就像有九条命的猫,每次总能化险为夷,幸免遇难。

    But , just like a cat with nine lives , Arafat escaped every time .

  10. 猫不是有九条命吗。

    I thought cats had nine lives .

  11. 要知道猫有九条命,威尔弗雷德爵士笑着说。

    ' Cats have nine lives , you know , 'said Sir Wilfrid with alaugh .

  12. 你这只猫的九条命用光了…

    Your nine lives are over kitty ...

  13. 他有九条命,我们已经花了其中的八条。

    He 's got nine lives . I think we 've used eight of them .

  14. 你的九条命用完了!

    Your nine lives are up .

  15. 猫有九条命。

    A cat has9 lives .

  16. 但是,他却像有九条命的猫,很有可能活到90岁。

    But he 's like a cat with nine lives and will probably live to see ninety .

  17. 猫和谎言的主要差别是猫只有九条命。

    The main difference between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives .

  18. 猫儿与谎话之间的显著区别是:猫只有九条命。

    One of the striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives .

  19. 因为严重失血和多处缺肉,它需要利用它的九条命来达到好转。

    With heavy blood loss and bits of missing flesh , he needed to draw on his nine lives to make it .

  20. 一只名叫肉豆蔻的老虎斑猫已经活得比九条命还要长了,它以31岁的高龄成为了当今世界上最长寿的猫。

    Veteran tabby Nutmeg has outlived all of his nine lives to become the world 's oldest cat at the grand old age of 31 .

  21. 他对我说“去找点事做吧”,(找一条命)我回他“不了,谢谢,我有九条命呢。”因为我是。

    So he 's all like , " Get a life , " and I 'm like , " No , thanks . Got nine . "

  22. 一些人迷信猫有九条命,因为猫从高处摔下来不仅不会死,甚至都很少受伤。

    Some people believe in the superstition that cats have nine lives , because cats can survive falls from high places with few , if any injuries .

  23. 相信猫有九条命,可能是碁于一只猫有比大多数其他动物更具顽强的生命的事实。

    The belief that a cat has nine lives is probably based on the fact that a cat is more tenacious of life than most other animals .

  24. 简:猫有九条命。我想我的猫被车撞倒时,使用了它的九条命之一而存活下来了。

    Jane : A cat has nine lives . I think my cat used up one of her nine lives when she survived being hit by that car .

  25. 都说猫有九条命,可是这只小猫的性命也差点没了:这只小猫掉落天花板,跌进了哥斯达黎加和平大学里正在进行的一场演讲之中。

    A cat came within a whisker of losing one of its nine lives when it came crashing through a ceiling during a lecture at the aptly named University of Peace , in Costa Rica .

  26. 当我后来发现他们也让其他家庭参观同样的被子,并且也买单了,我就试图向参观的家庭揭露有九条命的被子的骗局,但我发现大部分家庭都不听我的。

    When I later discovered that other families had also been shown the same quilts , and told they had paid for them , I tried to warn visiting families of the quilts-with-nine-lives scam – but found that most did not want to hear it .