
  • 网络Select supplier;Supplier selection
  1. 应用信号博弈选择供应商的策略研究

    Research on Supplier Selection Policy Based on Signaling Game

  2. 船舶企业选择供应商的策略研究

    Strategy on Supplier Selection of Shipbuilding Enterprises

  3. 为此,我们给出了一个选择供应商的指标评价体系和评价方法&利用Vague综合评判。

    According to this , we give an evaluation system and a vague synthesis evaluation method .

  4. 您要根据SOA需求选择供应商,以便能够在SOA需求发生更改时更换供应商。

    You choose the vendor according to your SOA needs , which lets you change the vendor as your SOA needs change .

  5. 很多跨国公司用SA8000作为选择供应商的标准,我国外贸企业面临严峻挑战。

    Many transnational corporations use SA8000 as standard to select suppliers , and our foreign trade enterprises are faced severe challenge .

  6. 在合理选择供应商评价准则的基础上,运用ANP方法构建了供应商选择的依存、反馈网络,克服了传统AHP方法中因假设元素间相互独立而偏离实际的缺陷。

    On the basis of selecting reasonable rules in evaluating suppliers ANP is applied to set up the dependence-feedback network for supplier selection . Thus , the limitation that comes from the hypothesis of independence element of AHP is overcome .

  7. 摘要信用为客户选择供应商提供了一个衡量标准。

    Credit provides customers a standard for choosing suppliers .

  8. 所以,科学的选择供应商已成为企业界关注的焦点。

    Therefore , scientific supplier choice has become the focus that enterprises attention to .

  9. 企业选择供应商指标体系构建研究

    Research on Target System of Enterprises Choosing Suppliers

  10. 最后,结合实际案例,在数据分析中阐明了运用模糊层次分析法选择供应商的具体步骤和计算方法。

    Finally using a actual case , demonstrate the detail process and the calculate methods .

  11. 在选择供应商时我的主要考虑因素是什么?

    What are the key issues I should be concerned with in choosing a supplier ?

  12. 利用灰关联理论定量评价选择供应商的算法研究

    Research of a calculation method for quantitative Supplier Valuation and selection by using gray relation theory

  13. 订单处理成本包括选择供应商、订单接收、订单准备等成本。

    The order-processing costs include supplier selection , receiving , order paperwork preparation and so on .

  14. 随着经济的全球化,制造商选择供应商合作伙伴的范围越来越广,选择合作伙伴的复杂度和速度也要求越来越高。

    With the trend of economic globalization , manufacturers have a wider range in choosing vendors .

  15. 第三章重点阐述了如何通过选择供应商伙伴来改进供应商关系管理。

    Chapter III focuses on how to choose the right supplier partner to improve Supplier Relationship Management .

  16. 负责选择供应商,价格谈判,质量监督以及及时交货。

    In charge of supplier 's selection , prices negotiations , quality and on time delivery follows up .

  17. 根据前人的研究,选择供应商可以有很多方法。

    According to the research by other scholars , the choice of supplier may have a lot of methods .

  18. 传统上,制造商以价格作为选择供应商的主要因素以降低成本。

    In traditional management , manufacturers select suppliers based on price under the key factor of reducing product cost .

  19. 第四章重点讨论了核心企业评价选择供应商的问题,介绍了核心企业供应商评价选择指标体系和二阶段选择体系。

    Chapter 4 emphasizes the supplier selection problem , introduces the system of comprehensive evaluation indexes and two-step selection system .

  20. 画出了柔性数据包络分析模型选择供应商的框架图和给出了各模型适合处理何种数据的条件。

    The flexible data envelopment analysis model selection framework is draw and the models are suitable to the condition of data .

  21. 商业行为更加全面,人们选择供应商的理由将是这对他们来说有一定的意义。

    There is a more holistic approach to business , and people will choose a supplier because it means something to them .

  22. 也便于企业针对实际情况更好的选择供应商管理的策略和方式。

    It also facilitates the enterprise view of the actual situation to make a better choice of vendor management strategies and methods .

  23. 从产品性能、制造工艺、生产成本、质量保证、配送能力等方面选择供应商或制造商;

    Selecting suppliers or manufacturers including taking into account product features , manufacturing requirements , cost , quality , and delivery capabilities .

  24. 其次,针对供应商管理问题,本文叙述了供应商管理的理论内容,以及供应商的评价指标体系,作为选择供应商的参考标准。

    Second , in addition to the theory of supply cooperation , a series of index is presented as standard to evaluate suppliers .

  25. 根据博弈理论,对供应链选择供应商的对策以及供应商与制造商合作对策等问题进行了深入地分析和研究,提出了相应的对策。

    The countermeasures about suppliers and manufacturers in the process of their cooperation are analyzed and summarized in order to reduce their operating risk .

  26. 案例分析表明:供应商综合评估法能够有效、简便、快捷地解决制造企业选择供应商的问题。

    The case study shows that the overall evaluation method can effectively , simply and conveniently solve the problem of choosing suppliers in manufacturing industry .

  27. 对于一个企业来说,如何选择供应商使双方达到相互协作、双赢的局面,是一个至关重要的问题。

    To an enterprise , how to make the mutual cooperation , win-win situation when selecting the supplier is one of the most important problem .

  28. 应用所建立的面向效率型供应链的供应商评价模型和基于粗糙集的供应商综合评价方法,在该原型系统中构建了供应商评价子系统原型系统,以便为企业评价和选择供应商提供决策支持。

    Using the efficient supply chain oriented vendor evaluation model and the vendor evaluation synthetic methods , a vendor evaluation subsystem prototype is established in it .

  29. 目前选择供应商的方法大多数都局限于单个决策者的情况,且指标权重分配时带有较多的主观因素。

    There are many ways to select vendors , but most of them are localized in only one decision maker and more subjective factors are mixed .

  30. 制造商与供应商之间战略合作伙伴关系的建立是供应链管理中的关键环节,如何选择供应商战略合作伙伴成为制造企业的一个决策重点。

    The building strategic partnership of supplier and manufacturer is the key in supply chain management . How to select strategic supplier will be important to manufacturer .