
  1. 唐山十县(市)2010年医院卫生人力需要量预测

    Forecast of hospital hygienic manpower requirement for Tangshan ten counties ( cities ) in year 2010

  2. 方法采用医院规划模式法,对唐山十县(市)2010年县乡医院卫生人力需要量进行了预测。

    Method Hospital hygienic manpower requirements were forecasted for ten counties of Tangshan for the year of 2010 with hospital planning model .

  3. 通过总结唐山市丰南县纳税服务的经验与做法,根据我县现阶段的实际情况,提出了具体完善纳税服务体系的措施。

    Through summarizing the tangshan abundant south county tax service experience and practice , according to the actual situation of present county , and advances some concrete measures for perfecting the tax service system .