
  1. 自从唐宋变革论的提出开始,处在变革期的社会问题便被广泛地探讨。

    Since " Tang " theory put forward in the period of social problems has been widely discussed .

  2. 内藤湖南在20世纪前期提出了唐宋变革论。

    Naito Konan presented Theory of Tang-Song Transition ( Transformation ) in Chinese History in early 20 century .

  3. 自上世纪初,日本学者内藤湖南提出唐宋社会变革论以来,中外学者普遍认同从唐末至宋代,中国古代社会发生了具有重大历史意义的转折。

    Since the beginning of 20th century when Japanese scholar Konan Naito proposed the Tang-Song Social Transformation , there was an important historic transition taking place from the late Tang to song dynasty that being widely received in academic community .