
  1. 他原是旧羽林军里的一名下级军官。

    He was an old non-commissioned officer of the old guard .

  2. 羽林军的几个方阵,有如水中的岩石,屹立在溃军的乱流中,一直坚持到夜晚。

    Several squares of the Guard , motionless amid this stream of the defeat , as rocks in running water , held their own until night .

  3. 从前拿破仑在厄尔巴岛上亲自口授,继又带回大陆的诏书及《羽林军告军人书》便是在这个印刷局里第一次排印的。

    It is there that the proclamations of the emperor and of the Imperial Guard to the army , brought from the island of Elba and dictated by Napoleon himself , were printed for the first time .

  4. 青年羽林军的将军迪埃斯梅退到热纳普的客舍门口,他把佩剑交给一个杀人不眨眼的骑兵,那骑兵接了剑,却杀了那俘虏。

    Duhesme , the general of the Young Guard , hemmed in at the doorway of an inn at Genappe , surrendered his sword to a huzzar of death , who took the sword and slew the prisoner .