
  • 网络UGO
  1. 换羽后进入第二产蛋期,经20~22周产蛋后即可淘汰。

    After that was the second laying period which would last about 20 to 22 weeks . Then the muscovy ducks would stop laying .

  2. 结果表明,经减羽后,络筒纱线的毛羽指数下降,毛羽外观得到改善,捻度和强力没有改变,验证了减羽喷嘴的减羽效果。

    The results indicate that the processed yarns have their hairiness index lowered , hairiness appearance improved , and the twist and strength kept unchanged , which verified the hairiness reducing effect of the nozzle .

  3. 本课题的主要任务是对激光通过飞机发动机羽烟后的透过率进行动态测试。

    Main task of the subject is to test dynamically transmissibility which laser passes the aircraft engine plume .