
  • 网络noto
  1. 一起事件是在1999年3月,日本自卫队在石川县能登半岛(NotoPeninsula)附近水域发现两艘朝鲜间谍船,自卫队进行驱逐并开枪示警。

    In the first case in March 1999 the SDF chased two North Korean spy ships and fired warning shots after the ships were spotted off Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture .

  2. 我不是在说那些没能登上顶峰的人。

    I 'm not talking about those who fail to get to the top .

  3. 但格雷格没能登上顶峰。

    But Greg never made it to the top .

  4. 悬崖绝壁很少有人能登上去

    Few people can climb up to the sheer precipices and overhanging rocks .

  5. 它们得简单易懂,但又得独特到能登上《财富》或《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)这些媒体的潮流版块。

    They need to be simple enough to understand , yet unique enough to pitch a trend piece to say , Fortune or the New York Times .

  6. 目前,只有两家能登上《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)排名等著名榜单:东京大学(TheUniversityofTokyo)和京都大学(KyotoUniversity)。

    Currently only two make the cut in prominent lists like that of Times Higher Education : the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University .

  7. 韦斯表示,X奖基金会的创始人想要重现儿时的梦想,即有朝一日普通人也能登上太空&这是上世纪五六十年代狂热时期人们的期望。他们也许能梦想成真。

    Weiss says that the founders of the X Prize foundation wanted to revive their childhood dreams of a day when ordinary people would be able to travel into space – expectations formed in the heady 1950s and 1960s . They may get their wish .

  8. 这个小男孩希望有一天能登上月球。

    The little boy wishes to land on the moon someday .

  9. 我们从未想到过人类能登上月球。

    We never imagined that men would land on the moon .

  10. 我想像自己,呃。。。能登上月球。

    I imagine myself , um ... landing on the moon .

  11. 你无法向圣诞老人请求能登上领奖台或赢得冠军。

    You can 't ask Santa for a podium or a win .

  12. 人们以能登上这座山峰而感到自豪。

    People take great pride in getting to that peak .

  13. 要能登上珠穆朗玛峰,那经历该多棒!

    It would be a fantastic experience to climb up to Mount Everest .

  14. 这老人能登上山丘。

    The old man can mount a hill .

  15. 虽然我只有6英尺高,但是我能登上1000米高的山峰。

    Since I 'm six feet tall only , I can climb a1000-metre-high mountain .

  16. 如果您能登上城头,

    If you could climb your own battlements ,

  17. 能登上金字塔的动物只有两种&雄鹰和蜗牛。

    There are only two creatures who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail .

  18. 如果我能登上顶峰,那么你们也一定能做到。

    If I can make it to the top of the mountain , you can too .

  19. 这老人能登上山丘。小山丘给薄雾遮住了。

    The old man can mount a hill . The hill was blotted out by mist .

  20. 等到我去世时,我希望在帝国的公报上能登上三行小小的公告,提一下我的功过就行了。

    When I pass away I hope to merit three lines of small print in the Imperial gazette .

  21. 在没能登在救生船的人们中只有少数人在冰冷刺骨的海水中幸存。

    Only a small number of those unable to find a place on the boats survived the freezing waters .

  22. 谁能登耶和华的山。谁能站在他的圣所。

    Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD ? or who shall stand in his holy place ?

  23. 中华文化定能登上国际舞台,为人类作出更大贡献。

    The Chinese culture will surely be able to ascend the international stage and contribute more to the humanity .

  24. 马克:是呀,我们现在能登上高楼已经习以为常了。

    Mark : Yeah , we take for granted being able to go to the top of tall buildings .

  25. 在我清楚你能登上马之前,我不能考虑走开把你丢在这里,先生。

    I cannot think of leaving you here , sir , until I see you 're able to mount the horse .

  26. 显然我必须得保持足够的健康,至少也要能登到喜马拉雅山的山峰上。

    Obviously I would have to be in good enough health to at least get to the foothills of the Himalayas !

  27. 俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种鹰和蜗牛。”

    " There are only two creatures ," syas a proverb ," who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail . "

  28. 但我没想过成为广告里能登上月球的宇宙飞船上的一员。

    But I have no interest in being one of those people on the spaceships they 're advertising that go to the moon .

  29. 祝中国人万事如意,希望有一天中国人能登上月球。

    I wish all the best for Chinese people and hope one day a man or a woman from China will land on the moon .

  30. 中国鉴赏家以2.5万英镑购买一瓶葡萄酒的消息,或许能登上媒体的头条,但大多数购物者的身家要少得多。

    The Chinese connoisseur who spends 25000 on vintage wine might grab the headlines , but the majority of shoppers are of much smaller means .