
  • 网络energy fluctuation
  1. 消除波长调制光谱中激光能量起伏对谐波信号干扰的新技术

    A New Technique for Eliminating the Effect of Background Energy Fluctuation on the Harmonic Signals of Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy

  2. 脉振磁场力使凝固前沿的铝熔体作上下振动,以达到加剧结构起伏和能量起伏的目的。

    To intensifies structure fluctuation energy fluctuation , the pulsating magnetic force makes molten aluminium vibrating up and down in the solidifying front .

  3. 测定了两种腔型的基波脉宽分别为8ps和18ps,二次谐波输出的最大能量起伏分别为10.6%和12.5%。

    The energy conversion efficiencies are 53.4 % and 60.2 % , pulse durations in fundamental wave are 8 ps and 18 ps , and the maximum energy fluctuation in second harmonic wave are 10.6 % and 12.5 % , respectively .

  4. 多光子电离实验中激光能量起伏对信号平均的影响

    The Influence of Light Intensity Fluctuation on Signal Average in Multiphoton Ionization Experiment

  5. 本文讨论了多光子过程中激光能量起伏对信号平均过程的影响,并对由此产生的误差进行了分析及估计。

    The influence of light intensity fluctuation on the signal average in multiphoton processes is studied .

  6. 同时对于连跳等一些特殊情况,算法也能实现可靠同步,适用于宽带、窄带、信号带宽变化、信号能量起伏大等同步跳频系统。

    The hop synchronization mechanism adapts to various bandwidths and high dynamic power range , also can be used to repeating frequency hopping .

  7. 采用捕获液态界面改进的相场方法,系统地研究了结构起伏、能量起伏对过冷纯金属熔体中树枝晶生长的影响规律。

    The affecting law of structure fluctuation and energy fluctuation on dendrite growth in pure undercooled melt was studied by simulation of a phase-field method .

  8. 这颗直径稍比百分之一公分大的球,会在真空能量起伏的感应下,移向表面平坦的平滑区域。

    Measuring slightly over one tenth of a millimeter , the ball moves toward a smooth plate in response to energy fluctuations in the vacuum of empty space .

  9. 传统文献研究认为:稀土加入钢中后,由于钢液温度高,能量起伏及结构起伏较大,且稀土的活性高等原因促进了杂质元素的聚集而形成大尺寸夹杂物。

    Traditional documents showed that : With RE additions , impurities gathered to form big-dimension RE inclusions was promoted by the high temperature , the fluctuation of energy and structure and high activity .

  10. 通过分析机械振动对焊接熔池金属的宏观作用和微观机理后认为:机械振动改变了熔池中的结构起伏分布和能量起伏分布的状态,使晶体形核更为容易;

    After analyzing the macroscopic effect and microscopic mechanism of mechanical vibration on weld pool metal , we concluded following views : mechanical vibration alters the status of structural fluctuation and energy fluctuation of weld pool and makes crystal 's nucleating easier .

  11. 草地土壤能量投入具有起伏性,产出有波动性。

    The energy input and output of the ecosystems were fluctuated .

  12. A≈150区超形变带跃迁能量中振荡起伏的扣除和自旋指定

    Elimination of the Fluctuation in the Observed Transition Energies and Spin Assignments of the Superdeformed Bands in A ≈ 150 Region

  13. 基于多尺度协同算法,实行了统一动力学模拟方案,研究了单空位体系的位移分布与位移振荡行为、能量随时间起伏以及差分电荷密度与外部环境的影响。

    Based on multiscale concurrent algorithm , we have implemented a unified dynamics scheme and investigated displacement distribution , oscillation behavior , energy fluctuation , charge density difference and the effect of environment of single vacancy system .

  14. 分析了影响SAR-ATI动目标检测干涉相位图中点幅度和相位分布的因素&包括雷达噪声、杂波能量、地面RCS起伏以及成像时的旁瓣等。

    The factors , which influence the distribution of the amplitude and phase of the points in the phase interferogram of SAR-ATI moving targets indication , including radar-noise , scatter energy , background uneven RCS and the side lobe of image pixels were analyzed .

  15. 分别获得能量为70.5mJ和29.7mJ,脉宽为23ns和20ns,能量起伏为1.9%和3.8%的调Q单脉冲输出。

    The Q modulated single pulse output with energy of 70.5 mJ and 29.7 mJ , pulse width of 23 ns and 20 ns , and energy fluctuations of 1.9 % and 3.8 % are obtained respectively .

  16. 系统能量的计算利用了Lennard&Jones对势,转变规则依据热力学上的最小能量原理(转变前后的能量差加上一个能量起伏小于0则转变)。

    The Lennard-Jones potential was utilized calculating system energy . The transition rule was according with minimal energy principle ( if the sum of difference of energy and undulation of energy is lower than zero the transition took placed . ) .