
  1. 随着可再生能源应用的大力推广,分布式电源DG以其特殊优势逐渐成为一种重要的电力电源形式。

    With Promoting the application of renewable energy , Distributed generation becoming one of the most important form of electrical power .

  2. 随着新能源应用领域不断拓宽,新能源开发技术要求开关DC-DC变换器具有宽输入电压范围。

    With the development of new energy , the technology of using new energy requires switching DC-DC converters have wider input voltage range .

  3. 盐梯度太阳池(SGSP)作为兼集热和长期蓄热为一体的能量利用装置,是当前新能源应用领域一个活跃的课题。

    A salt-gradient solar pond ( SGSP ) is an excellent design for energy collection as well as for long-term energy storage , and it is also an active topic in the new energy source application domain .

  4. 利用工业余热发电是硅化物中温区(400-800K)热电材料的一个重要应用,在大规模高品质的新能源应用领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    An important application of middle-temperature thermoelectric materials ( 400-800K ) is to generate electricity from waste heat in industrial field and daily life . Silicide is one of the promising thermoelectric based on its high quality and abundance in shell .

  5. 我们尝试将能源应用到海军设施上,并对此进行评估。

    We 're trying to evaluate this technology for navy applications .

  6. 建筑节能及新能源应用研究

    Research in Energy Saving and New Energy Usage

  7. 可再生能源应用的重要领域

    Main Fields of Renewable Energy Application

  8. 《通知》明确要求,在河北省民用建筑工程中,全面推广可再生能源应用技术。

    " Notice " a clear request , civil construction projects in Hebei Province , to promote renewable energy application technology .

  9. 将新能源应用于船舶行业,发展绿色船舶,必将成为未来船舶发展的方向。

    Using the renewable energy and developing the green-ship technology for the shipbuilding industry is a potential direction in the future .

  10. 他说扩大低碳及清洁能源应用的项目在未来还会继续开展。

    He says programs to expand the use of low-carbon and clean energy alternatives are going to remain in-place in the future .

  11. 地表水源热泵系统作为可再生能源应用的主要途径之一,在我国得到了快速发展。

    The surface water source heat pump system developed rapidly in our country as one of the main way of the renewable energy applications .

  12. 为了使下一次飞跃从目前一代的技术,科学家和工程师们已经开发能源应用纳米技术。

    In order to make the next leap forward from the current generation of technology , scientists and engineers have been developing Energy Applications of Nanotechnology .

  13. 通过建立可再生能源应用对农村可持续发展的影响评价体系,可解决对该项评估的定量问题。

    The measurement problem in the evaluation can be solved by establishing an evaluation system for the effect of renewable energy utilization on rural sustainable development .

  14. 可再生能源应用对农村的可持续发展具有重要意义,但评估可再生能源对农村可持续发展的影响程度却一直限于定性方法。

    Utilization of renewable energy is of great significance to rural sustainable development , but the evaluation of the impact level has been limited to qualitative approach .

  15. 南非金山大学化学工程与冶金工程学院材料与工艺合成中心高级咨询师刘歆颖认为这是整合可再生能源应用领域的一个有益尝试。

    Liu Xinying , an engineering consultant at the University of the Witwatersrand , South Africa , says the plant is a good attempt at renewable energy integration .

  16. 指出由于石油资源的日益减少,代用燃料是今后能源应用与研究的方向。

    It is concluded that the substitutive fuel is one of the most important fields of energy research and utilization in the future due to increasingly shortfall of oil resources .

  17. 在驻马店市驿城东工业集聚区建立了一坐占地807亩现代化的太阳能能源应用及相关产品的生产基地。

    Station in the city of Zhumadian City Industrial clustering has established a sitting area covers an area of807 acres of modern application of solar energy and related products manufacturing base .

  18. 电能作为能源应用于工程车辆,具有零排放无污染的突出优点,开发前景十分广阔。

    Electrical Energy , as a kind of energy source which applies to engineering vehicles , has an outstanding advantage of zero emission , and no pollution , with an extremely broad developing prospect .

  19. 聚合物电解质燃料电池由于其较高的能量转化效率、较低的污染、噪音和维修费用,有望成为能源应用中最突出的一种技术。

    Polymer electrolyte fuel cells are expected to become a prominent technology in a variety of power generation applications due to their high efficiencies for energy conversion along with low pollution levels , noise and maintenance costs .

  20. 地源热泵空调技术作为一种节能、环保的可再生能源应用技术,在国外已经开始走向成熟,而在国内才刚刚起步,仍需投入大量的工作。

    Ground source heat pump ( GSHP ) air conditioning technology , as a renewable energy application technology , is becoming mature in foreign countries , while in China , its application has just been started , and further researches are still needed .

  21. 在构建低碳经济、倡导可持续发展的当今社会,水源热泵技术作为一种可靠的具有高效节能、减碳效果的可再生能源应用技术近年来在我国得到了迅速的发展。

    In modern society that builds low carbon economy and promotes sustainable development , as a reliable , energy efficient and carbon reducing renewable energy application technology , the water source heat pump technology ( WSHP ) has been developed rapidly in recent years in China .

  22. 合理开发利用浅层地热能,解决建筑的采暖空调、热水供应及照明等,是可再生能源应用的重要领域,对替代常规能源、促进建筑节能具有重要意义。

    The rational development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy is an important renewable energy application field which could help solve the building heating , air conditioning , hot water supply , etc. It is very significant to replace conventional energy and promote the building energy efficiency .

  23. 光伏发电技术是新能源应用领域的重要研究课题之一,对于缓解世界范围内的能源危机和环境问题以及实现社会的可持续发展,具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    Photovoltaic ( PV ) power generation technology is one of the most important research topics in the field of renewable energy , which is significant in theory and practice to mitigate the world-wide energy crisis and environmental problem , as well as achieve the sustainable development of society .

  24. 北欧、中国、日本、加拿大、美国等国家都针对寒地气候特点进行适宜的建设技术的研究。包括能源应用与节能技术、冰雪处理技术等,并落实到改善寒地城市空间环境上。

    Nordic , China , Japan , Canada , the United States and other countries all carry out suitable technological researches on cold climate characteristics , that including energy - application technology , energy-saving technology , snow processing technology etc. At last implement improving the space environment of winter city .

  25. 在多种新能源开发应用技术中,基于双馈异步风力发电机(DFIG)的风力发电技术由于技术成熟,开发前景广阔而被广泛应用。

    Among various kinds of new energy technologies , wind power generation system based on the doubly-fed induction generator ( DFIG ) has become increasingly popular due to its mature technology and vast potential for future development .

  26. 加快可再生能源的应用技术研究;

    Quickening the research on the application technology of renewable energy ;

  27. 国内外油菜生物能源研究应用现状及云南发展思路探讨

    Application Situation of Rape Bio-energy Sources and its Development Thinking in Yunnan

  28. 模糊数学在水电能源科学应用中的问题分析

    Analysis of Some Problems in Hydroelectric Energy with Regard to Fuzzy Set

  29. 新能源不仅应用于城市地区,也应用于乡村。

    Renewable energy has not only reached Chinese cities but also the countryside .

  30. 辽宁省能源数据库应用系统

    The application system for Liaoning Province energy data base