
  • 网络small hydropower station
  1. 关于小水电站优化运行方式的探讨

    A Study On Optimum Operation Method of Small Hydropower station

  2. 探讨工程管理模式在小水电站委托管理中的应用;

    It is discussed how to apply the project management mode into the commission management of the small hydropower station .

  3. 基于AJAX技术的小水电站运行效率监测系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of small hydropower station efficiency supervisory system based on AJAX

  4. 基于LS-SVM的小水电站年发电量智能预测模型

    An Intelligent Forecasting Model for Annual Power Generation of Small Hydropower Stations Based on LS-SVM

  5. NDK系列低压机组微机(傻瓜式)控制系统在小水电站技术改造中的应用

    The Application of NDK Series Microcomputer ( Intelligent ) Control System for Low Voltage Generator Set

  6. 本文采用拉格朗日乘子法进行了小水电站吊车梁的优化设计,文中给出了优化设计吊车梁的QuickBASIC计算机程序,使吊车梁的优化设计简单、实用、易于推广。

    The optimization of crane beam was carried out by using Lagrangian Multiplier , and a Quick BASIC computer program for optimizing the design of crane beam was presented . The design-optimization of crane beam was very simple , practical and easy to be popularized .

  7. 小水电站峰谷电量计算方法初探

    On Calculation Approach of Peak-Valley Electric Energy for Small Hydro-Power Station

  8. 可在线设置过程控制的小水电站监控系统

    Online process control of supervisory control system for small hydropower station

  9. 梯级小水电站增容改造与实践效果

    Extension and Reform & Practice effection of stepping small hydropower stations

  10. 青海小水电站冬季运行的可行性调查

    Feasibility Investigation of Winter Operations of Small Hydro-Power Stations in Qinghai Province

  11. 小水电站监控系统中通信模块的研究

    Study on communication module in the little hydroelectric power system

  12. 小水电站环境影响评价内容探讨

    Discussion on the Content of Environmental Impact Assessment for Small Hydropower Stations

  13. 小水电站年发电量风险分析

    Risk analysis of annual energy production for small hydroelectric station

  14. 浅谈小水电站电气设备预防性试验

    On Preventive Experiment of Electric Installation in Small-sized Power Station

  15. 浅谈小水电站的技改措施

    Technology improvement measure of small type hydropower station s

  16. 农村小水电站机组增容改造的方法

    Methods of Small Hydropower Station Unit Capacity Enlargement and Reform in Rural Areas

  17. 凉山州小水电站特小断面引水隧道施工技术

    The Construction Technology of Section Tunnel of Building Little Hydroelectric Station in LiangShan

  18. 论文分析了我国小水电站监控技术发展的过程。

    Small hydropower station , the paper analyses the development process monitoring technology .

  19. 吉林省农村小水电站实现综合自动化的探讨

    The discussion on comprehensive automation for small hydropower stations

  20. 无触点交流开关在小水电站中的应用

    Application of no-contact alternate switch in small hydropower stations

  21. 小水电站发电引水隧洞经济洞径的计算

    Calculation for Economic Diameter of Small Hydropower Tunnel

  22. 在小水电站和泵站中,水流道内汽蚀现象普遍。

    Little Tom There are many phenomenons that cavitate in water and electrical station .

  23. 阶梯小水电站开发对永定河水质影响及防治对策

    Impact of Cascade Power Stations on Water Quality of Yongding River and Its Countermeasures

  24. 小水电站并网发电的区域性电网过电压保护

    The over voltage protection for regional power grid combining by the small hydropower stations

  25. 小水电站计算机监控系统上位机软件的开发

    Development of Main Control Machines Software of Computer Supervisory Control System on Small Hydroelectric Plant

  26. 小水电站发电机起励自动并网系统

    The Generator Electromagnetism Excitation and the Power Grid Access System for Small Water Power Stations

  27. 小水电站发电机中性线电流过大的不良影响及其对策

    The Bad Influence and Countermeasure of Generator Neutral Wire Overcurrent In Minitype Water Power Plant

  28. 小水电站装机容量选择简化法及应用

    The simplified methods for selecting installed capacity of small sized hydropower station and its application

  29. 小水电站的噪声控制

    Noise Control of Small Sized Hydropower Station

  30. 引水式径流小水电站设计问题探讨

    Design of diversion run-of-river small power station