
  • 网络Synchronous;synchronous speed;rpm
  1. 低速工作转速范围达同步转速的30%。

    The low . speed range comes to 30 percent of synchronous speed of the machine .

  2. 通过计算转子转速达到相应同步转速的时间来确定变频器逐级升高的电压频率随时间的变化规律。

    And the rule stator voltage frequency changing with time is confirmed through computing the time rotor cost on achieving corresponding synchronous speed .

  3. 文章分析了感应电机无速度传感器控制中在同步转速为零且带负载状态下自适应磁链观测器(AFO)观测状态和估计转速的渐进稳定性。

    In this paper we fist analyze the stability of rotor speed estimation and rotor observation with adaptive flux observer in the speed sensor less control of induction motors .

  4. 一种同步转速状态测定方法及其实现

    A Measuring Method and Its Implementation for States of Synchro Rotating Speed

  5. 转速是以电动机的同步转速为基准除以减速比而算出的数值。

    The speed is based on the synchronous motor speed reduction ratio as a benchmark calculated by dividing the value of .

  6. 交流变频调速系统是利用异步交流电动机的同步转速随频率变化的特性,通过改变电机的供电频率而进行调速。

    Because the AC asynchronous motor ' synchronous speed is determined by the frequency , we can control the AC asynchronous motor ' speed by changing the supply power 's frequency .

  7. 提出依据等值两群转速与同步转速的关系将受扰系统进行分类的方法,清晰地揭示了转矩方程中转速因素影响暂态稳定性的内在机理。

    By classifying post-fault systems into five groups according to the relationship of synchronous speed and equivalent two-machine speed , a method is presented to analyse the mechanism of the influence .

  8. 这样,对转子的相对转速为2倍频的同步转速,在转子表面各个部件中感应出涡流电流,由此引起发热。

    In this way , 2 octave synchronous speed which is relative to the speed of the rotor induces eddy currents and heat in the various parts of the surface of the rotor .

  9. 根据上述方程,绘出dq轴的等值电路及矢量图,得到状态空间描述的dq轴数学模型。其次,根据模型参考自适应原理,对同步电机转速进行估计。

    According to above equations , the equivalent circuits and vector diagram in dq axis are plotted out and mathematical models described by state space in dq axis are constructed . Second , according to model reference adaptive control theory , the speed of synchronous motor is estimated .

  10. 一种抑制永磁同步电机转速脉动的方法

    Suppressing Speed Ripples of Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor Based on a Method

  11. 光电编码器选型及同步电机转速和转子位置测量

    Choice of Optical-encoder and Measure of Speed and Rotor Place of Synchronous Motor

  12. 永磁同步电机转速伺服系统鲁棒控制器设计

    Robust Controller Design for PMSM Speed Servo Systems

  13. 状态反馈精确线性化永磁同步电动机转速控制

    Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on exact linearization via state variable feedback

  14. 对采用微分几何方法设计永磁同步电机转速控制器的可行性进行了研究。

    The feasibility of designing controller for control permanent-magnet synchronous motor speed is proposed by using differential geometry theory .

  15. 针对传统带传动测试系统存在的问题,利用单片机开发一种主从带轮速度非接触式的同步测量转速、滑差率、转矩、效率实时显示的动态测试仪。

    In view of the problems of conventional belt-driven test system , and using the single chip microcomputer , we have developed a real-time dynamic test system which can synchronously measure the rotation speed , slide skidding , torque , and efficiency .

  16. 分析了SFC启动同步电机低转速运行(脉冲切换方式)和高转速运行(同步方式)的工作特点、频率限制。

    The working features and frequency restrictions of SFC starting under two operation modes are analyzed , which are pulse switching mode with low speed and synchronous mode with high speed .

  17. 本文阐述了稀土永磁同步电动机瞬态转速和转矩的测试方法。

    In the paper , an approach to the experiment on the transient speed and the transient torque of a REPM synchronous motor is made .

  18. 变频器主要用于交流电动机(异步电机或同步电机)转速的调节,是公认的交流电动机最理想、最有前途的调速工具。

    Inverter are mainly used of speed adjustment for inverter AC motor ( induction motor or synchronous motor ) which are also recognized as the best and the most promising tools for the governor .

  19. 接着按照煤矿绕线电机的运行要求,提出了分段级差控制策略,得到了满足电机牵入同步的最大转速级差,并以此为基础得到了理论上的调速级差表和调速特性曲线。

    Then according to the mine winding motor operating requirements , put forward the piecewise differential control strategy , obtained the maximum speed differential for pulling into step and speed stage head table and characteristic curve .

  20. 动态状况下的同步电机转子转速往往不能够保持同步,此时同步电机的运行性能、运行方式及各类电机参数会发生剧烈变化,频率特性能够较为准确的刻画这一变化趋势。

    When synchronous machine is under dynamic state , the rotate speed of rotor is not always keeping synchronous , and then the parameters of synchronous machine maybe vary . The frequency characteristic can exactly depict this varied trend .

  21. 同步发电机功角转速测量装置

    The Device for Measuring Power Angle and Rotator Speed of Synchro-generator

  22. 同步发电机无传感器转速测量方法及应用

    Speed measurement of synchronous generator without tachometer and its application

  23. 永磁同步电动机转矩-转速曲线测试

    Test on torque-speed curve for permanent magnetic synchronous motor

  24. 直驱永磁同步风力发电机运行转速低,一般定子外径都比较大。

    Direct-driven PMSG works at low speed and its size is generally big .

  25. 三轴稳定地球同步卫星动量轮转速变化研究

    Research on Variation of the MW Rotation Rate in Three-axis Stabilized GEO Satellites

  26. 同步电动机任意设定转速的无源性跟踪控制

    Passivity-Based Arbitrary Speed Tracking Control of Synchronous Motors

  27. 同时建立了系统的仿真模型,通过仿真研究,验证了双馈起动的可行性及牵入同步点的最大转速级差的正确性。

    Also established the system simulation model , optimized start-up circuit design , verified the feasibility of the double-fed starting and the maximum speed differential .

  28. 通过实验验证了所提出的多模态切换算法能够有效实现混合励磁同步电机在额定转速以下力矩的大幅增加,且电机运行稳定,动态性能良好。

    Experiments show that the proposed multi-modal switch algorithm can effectively increase torque at rated speed or below . And the motor is running stable , having good dynamic performance .

  29. 要保证同步电机由低转速运行平稳过渡到高转速运行,必须使脉冲方式下的频率上限与同步方式下的频率下限之间重叠部分有足够的裕度,即选择合适的切换频率。

    An appropriate switching frequency is essential to ensure the smooth transition of synchronous machine from low speed operation to high speed operation , which means that there should be an adequate frequency overlap between the upper limit of pulse mode and the lower limit of synchronous mode .

  30. 同步调相机只不过是一种以同步转速运转的不带机械负荷的同步电机。

    A synchronous condenser is nothing more than a synchronous machine running at synchronous speed with no mechanical load .