
  1. 山药补脾功同参术,又能明显增加胃肠粘液;

    Dioscorea opposita is obvious in the effect of strengthening spleen and still can increase gastroentericmucus .

  2. 该模型同时也解释了脉冲电磁场比同参教的连续场产生更多的生物效应,以及连续场在开始施加和切除时的效应最大。

    The model also explains why pulsed electromagnetic fields can produce more biological effects than continuous fields of the same characteristics , or why the greatest effects of a continuous field may occur with onset or removal of exposure .

  3. 方法根据已知经验模型确定的相关变量关于同一参变量的回归方程,消去共同的参变量得到新的回归方程。

    Methods A new regression equation was given by eliminating the parameter of the parametric equation which was determined by the known empirical model .

  4. 在初始的三阶变系数线性方程许可某单参群的条件下,考察并获得另一三阶变系数方程许可同一单参群的条件。

    Under the assumption of the initial third-order linear differential equation with variable coefficients admitting a one-parameter group , the conditions of admitting the same one-parameter group for another third-order linear differential equation are discussed .