
tónɡ bù shēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • synchronous growth
  1. 利用这一特性可以监测单细胞藻的同步生长。

    This phenomenon could be used to monitor the synchronous growth of single-cell microalgae .

  2. 结果表明,改变穗库间的授粉时间后,尤其是第2果穗早于第1果穗3d的授粉处理,明显提高第2果穗的库强,有利于双穗均衡、同步生长发育;

    The results showed that it was benefited to the balanced and synchronic development of the two ears through the shifting of pollination time , i.e , the subapical ear was pollinated 3 days earlier than the apical one .

  3. 使用SOM神经网络对输入数据进行聚类分析,在SOM特征图上生成种子区域,同步生长各种子区域完成模式聚类区域的划分并进行故障模式识别。

    The input vectors are processed by SOM NNs to search for clustering regions , which extracts their central seeds from SOM . The synchronous enlargement of the central seeds partitions mode clustering regions to recognize the fault patterns . 3 .

  4. 结果:BGC在尚有少量下颌骨支架残存或与自体骨复合移植时骨替代效果良好,但存在不能随颌骨同步生长发育的缺点,因而术后可导致面部外形畸形或咬合紊乱。

    Results : BGC can function as good bone substitute when there is a little remaining mandibular framework or co_transplanted with autogenous bone graf , but it cannot develop synchronously with the maxillary bone .

  5. 在Mohandas工作的基础上,我们采用抗体诱导引起的大白兔球状红细胞贫血病,建立了一种在接近正常生理条件下,同步生长的红细胞衰老的新型动物模型。

    On the basis of Mohandas ' work and with the method of using antibody to induce spherocytic anemia of animal , we developed a new animal model , of which red blood cell ( RBC ) can synchronously grow in a near normal physiological conditions .

  6. 用于核医学图像分割的区域同步生长算法

    Synchronous enlargement algorithm for image segmentation in nuclear medicine

  7. 探讨了非同步生长群体内蛋白质水平电泳可测的遗传变异问题。

    A measurable hereditary variation of protein in non & synchronized population was studied by electrophoresis .

  8. 经过25个病例的实验,区域同步生长算法都正确地生成了左心室的边界线。

    The study of25 cases shows that the method can accurately form all the left ventricle boundaries .

  9. 非同步生长群体内突变基因的随机命运&Ⅰ.中性基因的固定过程

    The stochastic fate of mutation genes in a non-synchronized population & ⅰ . fixation process of neutral genes

  10. 1株苗在周年内只有1次大的生长峰和4次小的生长峰,根梢生长表现为同步生长。

    One air layering plant had one higher root growth peak and 4 lower peaks , while root and stem growth had a synchronous extension pattern ;

  11. 结果表明,保存于非同步生长群体内蛋白质水平的遗传变异量,大于同步生长群体内的相应的量。

    The result indicated that the degree of the heritable variation of protein amount preserved in a non & synchronized population was greater than that in a synchronized one .

  12. 区域同步生长算法利用左、右心室的相对位置差别,找到它们的中心区域,然后同步地扩大左、右心室区域,以两区的相遇点作为它们之间的分界点。

    This automated method only uses the position characteristics of the left ventricle and right ventricle to find their central regions , then synchronously enlarges the left ventricle and the right ventricle to find the boundary point between them .

  13. 从海平面上升速率与珊瑚礁生长速率的理论对比分析,中国珊瑚礁基本上能与前者同步生长,即使海平面以预估高值上升,也不会威胁其生存。

    According to the theoretic comparison between sea-level rising rate and the growing rate of coral reefs , coral reefs of China basically can grow synchronously as the former . Even if the sea-level rises at the estimated highest rate , it will not threat the existence of coral reefs .

  14. 基于SOM特征映射图的同步区域生长故障模式识别。

    Pattern recognition method of Remote Fault Diagnosis based on synchronous enlargement of Self-Organizing Feature Map .

  15. 用胸腺嘧啶核苷双阻断法实现Vero细胞的同步化生长

    Synchronous Growth of Vero Cells with Double Thymidine Block

  16. 高浓度的脱落酸(ABA)能有效地抑制胚芽和胚根的生长,而对水稻盾片愈伤组织的生长影响较小,从而促进盾片愈伤组织的同步健壮生长。

    Since the reaction of ABA on scutellum is not sensitive and higher level of ABA can inhibit the plumule and radicle , so that it promotes the scutellum callus growth .

  17. 杜氏藻同步化生长及核型分析

    The Synchronous Growth of Dunaliella and its Karyotype Study