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  1. 闽台建筑文化同出一源,台湾建筑均是闽粤建筑的移植。

    The Taiwan architectural culture is closely connected with the Fujian 's.

  2. 这些用法同出一源。

    All of these usages are from the same source .

  3. 小偷和杀人犯同出一类。

    We found brothers in thieves and murderers .

  4. 他们同出一师,所以有许多共同之处。

    They have the same teacher , so they have many things in common .

  5. 我们身上这股自性,是与宇宙万物运作的那股自性同出一宗的。

    The self-nature in our body is same as the one that operate everything in the universe .

  6. 它与新疆的柯尔克孜族虽同出一源,但两地的民歌却不大相同。

    Although it has the same origin with Xin Jiang Khalkhas , their folk songs are quite different .

  7. 义和团的咒语有表演性,和戏曲道白同出一源。

    Their spell has the nature of performance , with the same source as the dialogues in the plays .

  8. 对那些在文化和精神方面跟我们同出一源的老盟友,我们保证给予忠实的朋友的忠诚。

    To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we sham , we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends .

  9. 海峡两岸律师制度同出一源,具有中华法系诸多共同之处,但由于政治、历史及其他因素的影响又存在很多差异。

    Lawyer Systems on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have many things in common for sharing the same legal origin .

  10. 这些语言之间额联系是如此之多,以至于学者们一致认为它们同出一源。

    These languages had so many similarities that it was concluded that they must have all come from the same source .

  11. 黄祸论滥觞于美国自然主义文学之中,与当时流行的社会达尔文主义同出一源;

    Yellow peril gets widest propaganda in American naturalism literature , which is in line with social Darwinism prevalent at that time ;

  12. 一位雕刻家利用传统工具,把一块和戴维像所用材料同出一山的大理石雕刻成戴维的鼻。

    A sculptor uses traditional tools to carve David 's nose out of marble taken from the same mountains as used for the original statue of David .

  13. 现代意义的科学应该说产生于欧洲,但是,无可否认,科学的历史起点与人类文化的起点同出一源。

    The concept of science in temporary sense originated in Europe ; however , it is undeniable that the history of science and human culture has the same origin .

  14. 他看人带着刻薄,内心满怀失落,这恰与哈姆雷特的刻薄与失落同出一处:他的悲伤。

    What makes his view of other people so cutting and his disappointment so unappeasable is the same thing that makes Hamlet 's feelings so cutting and unappeasable : his grief .

  15. 比如说,与家人一起在餐馆就餐时,如果碰到了糟糕的服务可以要求折扣,而和生意合伙人同出就餐时就不可以这样做了。

    For example , it is okay to ask for a discount on bad service when you are with your family , but not when you are with a business associate .

  16. 无网购阅历的大教生比无网购阅历的大教生分体信好及其善意、诚实维度的信好要上,才能维度的信好好同出无大。

    The students who had net purchases have higher level of trust , goodwill and honest of trust than students who had not , but the ability of trust is just the same .

  17. 奥巴马在最近的演讲当中,更强有力地反击了麦凯恩的攻击。麦凯恩阵营在一份电视广告里,把奥巴马在公众心目中的形象说成是和流行歌星布兰妮·斯皮尔斯以及扉闻人物帕丽丝·希尔顿同出一辄。

    In recent speeches , Obama has become more forceful in rejecting McCain 's attacks and a television ad that compares Obama 's celebrity status with pop culture icons Britney Spears and Paris Hilton .

  18. 那么同出一家的两种文化有着怎么样的异同,又为何产生如此的差异,给我们带来什么启示,就是本文要深入分析的问题。

    So with the two kinds of culture has a how and why the similarities and differences , produce such differences , bring us what revelation , is this paper to analysis of the problem .

  19. 他深深地信仰宿命论,以至于这种信仰都差不多成了一种毒害,在消极方面简直就和放弃哲学一样,和叔本华与雷奥巴狄的哲学同出一源。

    His creed of determinism was such that it almost amounted to a vice , and quite amounted , on its negative side , to a renunciative philosophy which had cousinship with that of Schopenhauer and Leopardi .

  20. 我同你出个主意。

    I 'll offer you a piece of advice .

  21. 这同高出洋面的火山活动是不同的。

    This is unlike volcanic activity above the sea .

  22. 选择同批出雏、健康、体重相近的1日龄艾维茵肉鸡1120只,随机分为7组,每组4个重复,每重复40只。

    1120 broilers of 1-day old were randomly assigned to 7 groups , with 4 replications each group , 40 broilers each replication .

  23. 同拔出残根、直接修复和冠延长术相比,正畸(牙合)向牵引是一种简单、经济、实用的方法,值得在临床上推广。

    Compared with root extraction , the direct restoration , and the crown lengthening by surgical procedure , the forced eruption is a simple , economical and practical method in clinical .

  24. 那对孪生儿在同一天出了第一颗乳牙。

    The twins cut their first tooth the same day .

  25. 这样它们就可以在同一时间出锅。

    So that you serve all hot food at all the same time .

  26. 图像的北端同雷达描绘出的海洋中的一个相符。

    The northern end of their image corresponds to one of the radar-imaged seas .

  27. 他们最近在芝加哥合作一个舞台剧《信任》时同进同出,相当亲密。

    They recently have been living together in Chicago while working on a stage show called Trust .

  28. 但是,这几项各占多少,应当同农民研究出一个合理的比例。

    However , together with the peasants , we should work out equitable ratios among these items .

  29. 同法制备出油酸双氢青蒿素酯,以供对照。

    We prepared the ester of dihydroartemisinin and oleic acid using the same method for the purpose of comparision .

  30. 事情总是这样发生的:很多事情偏偏在同一时间出乱子。由what引导的主语从句。

    What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment .