
  • 网络Cohort;age-set
  1. 应用计算机模拟技术,引入同龄组的概念,建立了适合于估测变温条件下粘虫种群动态的计算机模拟模型。

    Using computer simulating technique and cohort conception , the simulation model of armyworm population dynamics under variable temperatures was built .

  2. 结论随着年龄的增长,心理性ED患病率明显降低,而器质性ED相对于同龄组心理性ED有上升趋势;

    Conclusion With the development of age , the incidence of psychogenic ED was decreased , and the physical ED was increased significantly .

  3. 同时,以本研究免疫组的HBsAg携带率与实施乙肝疫苗免疫策略前山西省同龄组儿童的HBsAg携带率做对比,分析YDV的保护效果,并进行免疫的成本-效益分析。

    Meanwhile comparative analysis protective effect and its cost-effect use the carry rate of HBsAg in vaccinated group and no-vaccinated group .

  4. 测定了62例睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAS)男性患者和33名同龄组正常男性血浆脂类水平。

    The plasma lipids in 62 patients with sleep apnea syndromes ( SAS ) and in 33 normal peoples of the same age regarded as controls were determined .

  5. 实验结果显示:①各年龄组SHR之动脉收缩压、舒张压、平均动脉压、左室收缩压均高于同龄组WKY鼠(P<0.05)。

    The results showed : ① Arterial systolic pressure , diastolic pressure , mean arterial pressure and left ventricular systolic pressure in SHR of each group were higher than those in WKY of the same age group ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 而且,Z.Q.也可以帮助你与你同龄组的人进行比较。

    So , it also then tells you how you do compared to your age group .

  7. 方法通过多导睡眠图分析47例腺样体肥大儿童睡眠结构,并与同龄组儿童睡眠结构正常值进行比较。

    Methods With the assistance of polysomnography , the sleep structure of 47 children with adenoid hypertrophy was compared with that of normal children at the same age .

  8. 结果表明:河北省普通高校大学生的心理健康水平低于全国大学生同龄组水平,经常参加体育锻炼大学生的心理健康水平好于不经常锻炼的大学生。

    The results indicated that the psychological health level of research subjects is lower than the average level of college students at the same age . Furthermore , the level of psychological health of sport participators is better than the ones of non-participator of sports .

  9. 与同龄对照组比较均有统计学差异(P0.05)。

    Compared with controls , they were significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 实施免疫前后同龄儿童组HBsAg携带率比较计算的疫苗保护率为95.00%。

    Compared their carry rate of HBsAg with before vaccination and after vaccination , protective rate of vaccine was ( 95.00 % ) .

  11. 结果与同龄健康组比较,ACI患者ηp、Fg、LPO水平均显著升高(P<005),SOD活性显著降低(P<001)。红细胞膜流动性下降。

    Results The η p , Fg , LPO level significantly increased ( P < 0.01 ) in the patients while the activity of SOD and the membrane fluidity significantly decreased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 作者总结42例皮层动脉脑梗塞(CAI)和70例穿通动脉脑梗塞(PAI)与同龄对照组51例的脂质、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)及亚组份含量的变化。

    Lipids , high density lipoprotein cholesterol and its subclass levels were studied in 42 patients with cortical artery infarclion ( CAI ), 70 with perforating artery infarction ( PAI ) and 51 normal controls .

  13. 方法:对我院核磁共振检查确诊的急性胸主动脉夹层37例患者(AD组)和同龄对照组、高龄对照组各100例患者胸片主动脉影像进行回顾性分析比较。

    Method : During a 6-year period , 37 patients underwent chest radiograph before thoracic aortic dissection was diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging ( AD group ), we also examined chest radiographs of 100 non-AD patients each of the same-aged control group and the old-aged control group .

  14. 10月龄SHR组和18~20月龄SHR组左心室肥厚指数均显著高于同龄WKY组和1月龄SHR组(P均0.01)。

    The left ventricular hypertrophic index was notably increased in 10 month old SHR group and 18 20 month old SHR group compared with age matched WKY group and 1 month old SHR group ( all P values less than 0.01 ) .

  15. 12月龄鼠经6和12个月服用龟龄集后,齿状回多形层、海马CA3辐射层内突触小泡蛋白免疫反应产物的灰度值均比同龄对照组显著降低(P<0.05)。

    12 month rats , after taking Guilingji for 6 and 12 months respectively , their synaptophysin immunoreactive products gray density decline remarkably than the control groups of the same age ( P < 0.005 ) .

  16. 结果2型糖尿病并发骨质疏松的比例(51.9%)明显高于同龄对照组(22.6%);

    Results The ratio of osteoporosis in diabetics was higher than that of normal elders ( 51.9 verse 22.6 percent ) .

  17. 同时与同龄对照组及低龄组动物进行了比较,发现五味子有增强肾上腺皮质功能及促进脾的免疫功能的作用。

    The results : indicates that fructus schisandrae can reinforce the function of the adrenal cortex and medulla and the immune function of the spleen .

  18. 在老年健康对照组和中青年健康对照组分别为966%、34%和968%、32%,同龄梗死组与非梗死组间比较,差异有显著性(P<005)。

    96 6 % , 3 4 % in elderly control group and 96 8 % , 3 2 % in middle aged control group respectively .

  19. 与同龄正常组相比较,3月龄高血压鼠电镜下已有血管内皮损害,肾小球基底膜亦见轻度增厚,尿蛋白增多,且与血压及血管内皮病变呈正相关;

    Results In three month old SHR , electronic microscopic observation demonstrated early impairment of vessel endothelium and slight lesion of glomerular basement membrane compared with age matched controls .

  20. 同龄对照组兔只做麻醉,不作其他处理,实验组和对照组兔分别在实验2、4、6、8周后,每组处死3只并取材。

    The control group , only anesthesia , do not do any other treatment , Three rabbits were sacrificed at the end of 2,4,6,8 weeks in each experimental group and control group rabbits .

  21. 结果显示孕妇组血清Tca~(2+)和ALB值明显低于、ALP值则显著高于同龄非孕组;

    Results show that the values of Tca ~ ( 2 + ) and ALB in pregnant women were lower , however ALP higher , significantly than healthy women at same age ;