
jiào yù tīnɡ
  • Department of Education
  1. AJAX技术在本系统中的成功应用,为我们提供了一种新Web软件的设计思路。论文最终构建了一个高效、可维护、可重用和灵活的教育厅办公系统。

    AJAX technology in the successful application of this system , which provides us with new ideas for a web design software . Finally , the article presents efficiency , maintainable , reusable and flexible office system for the provincial education department .

  2. 本文研究的内容是辽宁省教育厅纵向课题的一部分,课题名称为:XX飞机操纵性能地面综合检测评估系统研究。

    The content of this paper is a part of The Research on Detection and Evaluation Ground System for A Certain Aircraft Maneuverability ( 2006T107 ), which is supported by Liaoning Province Education Department .

  3. 本课题以广西教育厅科技项目《1KW风力发电机产品的研究开发》为背景,主要研究小型水平轴风力发电机的叶片设计、性能计算、有限元动力学分析。

    The paper studied the design model , the performance characters and dynamics analysis of the blade of the horizontal axis wind turbine .

  4. 本课题来源于贵州省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目基于WEB-GIS的数字化矿井模型研究的子课题防排水工程子系统。

    The issue Originates from the ' anti-drainage engineering subsystems ' of the key research ' WEB-GIS-based digital model of mine ' of the Office of Science Education in Guizhou Province .

  5. 通过对湖北省教育厅科技项目申报管理工作流程的分析,设计并实现了基于FTP和OLE技术的网上申报管理系统。

    Based on the analysis of the procedure of scientific and technological project application and management in the Department of Education of Hubei Province , an online scientific and technological project application and management system based on FTP and OLE technology is designed and realized .

  6. 最后,在辽宁省教育厅重大项目计划和大连理工大学生命+X项目的支持下,作者所在的实验室开展了新型视频脑电图仪及Holter的研究与开发。

    The validity of the method is verified through experiments . Finally , my lab developed a new type video electroencephalograph and holter , supported by Liaoning Educational Committee and the " life + X " project of Dalian University of Technology .

  7. 本论文所述课题以辽宁省教育厅的实际需求为背景。该课题所研究的是计算机辅助评价(CAA)领域的一个新方向,即计算机考试自动化测试技术(CTAA)。

    The background of the thesis is the actual demand of the Education Department of Liaoning Province , which studies a new development trend in the field of Computer Assisted Assessment ( CAA ), that is Computer Test Automatic Assessment ( CTAA ) .

  8. 因此,本文根据湖南的实际情况,依托湖南省教育厅研究课题(05D032)利用陈粮大米为原料生产谷氨酸,为大米的综合利用开辟了一条新途经。

    Based on the practical condition and with the project of Hunan Education Department [ 05D032 ] , this research employ mellow rice as material to produce glutamic acid , which explores a new way of using rice comprehensively .

  9. 本课题来源于陕西省教育厅科学技术研究计划资助项目(07JC11),主要研究在井下复杂环境条件中如何实现对被困人员快速准确定位的问题。

    This subject originates from the subsidization project ( 07JC11 ) of Shaanxi Province education department science and technology research plan , the major topic is that how to realize swiftly locate the accuracy localization during the mine shaft working in the complex environmental condition .

  10. 《桑姜感冒注射液指纹图谱的研究及其质量标准修订》课题是国家药典委员会下达的任务,是陕西省教育厅重点科研项目(编号02JS08)。

    The topic " Studies on the Fingerprint of Sang Jiang Gan Mao Injection and Revises the Standard of Quality Control " was allotted by the Committee of Pharmacopoeia and it was the vital item of the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province . ( No. 02JS08 ) .

  11. 省教育厅厅长侯靖方来校视察。

    Houjingfang , the education superintendent of Zhejiang Province inspected the school .

  12. 2008年,何绍勇担任四川省教育厅副厅长。

    He became deputy head of Sichuan 's education department in 2008 .

  13. 州教育厅学校膳宿建筑委员会已婚初级警务人员宿舍

    State dormitory authority junior police officers ' married quarters

  14. 梁建华目前在加州教育厅担任教育研究和评估顾问。

    Jane is an education research and evaluation consultant at the California Department of Education .

  15. 本课题为吉林省教育厅科技计划项目。

    The task from the science and technology projects in Jilin Province Department of Education .

  16. 本次活动由吉林省教育厅主办,吉林动画学院承办。

    The event organized by the Education Department of Jilin Province , Jilin Institute of contractors animation .

  17. 结果当场宣布,并报到省教育厅。

    The result was announced on the spot and later reported to the provincial Department of Education .

  18. 本文研究成果中有关十所骨干大学科技工作评价方案已被河北省教育厅采纳。

    This evaluation scheme of pivot local colleges had been adopted by the governing department of Hebei province .

  19. 马振翼是美国加州教育厅对外合作事业部部长。

    Steven Ma is the director of the Office of International Liaison for the California Department of Education .

  20. 由于教育厅准备充分,接收工作有条不紊,在河北省各部门中接收工作完成的比较出色。

    Compared with other departments , the Educational Department did a better job with tidy arrangement due to sufficient prepare .

  21. 黑龙江工程学院职业技术学院自2001年经黑龙江省教育厅批准成立以来,坚持以生为本的办学理念,培养社会所需的工程、管理等一线应用型技术人才。

    Heilongjiang institute of technology and profession has established since 2001 . The department adheres to the school in the view of students .

  22. 本科期间,曾参与湖北省教育厅资助项目“大学生创新能力”的研究。

    During undergraduate studies , I took part in the itemUndergraduates Innovation Ability Research , which was subsidized by Hubei Ministry of Education .

  23. 山东省教育厅人才培养工作水平评估专家组对我院的人才培养工作给予了充分肯定和高度评价。

    The expert group from the Provincial Department of Education thinks highly of the talent cultivating work of the College . The work of T.

  24. 本论文的课题为辽宁省教育厅科技发展基金资助项目(编号:004402)。

    The project of this thesis is supported by the science and technology funds from Liaoning Education Department ( serial number : 004402 ) .

  25. 河南省教育厅在全省范围集中开展了中小学生思想道德状况网上调查,调查内容涉及政治、思想、道德、法纪、心理、学业、上网、娱乐、家庭、德育等十个方面。

    Department of Education of Henan Province is currently holding an on-line pool investigation about middle and primary school students'mentality and morality status province-wide .

  26. 省教育厅表示,在教学和科研中需要动物,但程序和处置方法应标准化并严格遵守。

    The provincial education department said animals were necessary for teaching and research , but procedures and disposal methods should be standardized and strictly followed .

  27. 右图:院长徐建明(左一)与省教育厅发展规划处长毛有高(右二)在德国考察。

    Left : President Xu jian-ming ( first from the left ) along with vice governor Shao gui-fang ( middle ) paying a visit to Germany .

  28. 这次与广东省教育厅共同主办的研讨会吸引了中澳专家一起探讨职教培训的经验。

    The Symposium , jointly hosted by the Guangdong Education Department , brings together experts from Australia and China to discuss lessons learned in vocational training .

  29. 据调查,为了在教材采购中牟利,多家出版社向四川省教育厅高层官员行贿。

    Several publishers were found to have bribed a senior education official in Sichuan to get help for selling their textbooks to schools in the province .

  30. 2002年秋季,经广西壮族自治区教育厅批准,广西中医学院开始招收首批中医学专业壮医方向五年制本科生。

    In2002 , approved by the Education Department of Guangxi government , GXTCMU began to enroll undergraduates of Zhuang Medicine with a training duration of five years .