
  • 网络tree;tree structure
  1. 这通常会在内存中生成一个比源XML文件大许多倍的树状结构。

    This often yields a tree structure in memory many times larger than the source XML file .

  2. XSLT处理给Java带来了实现树状结构的特殊挑战。

    XSLT processing brings a particular challenge to Java in the implementation of the tree structure .

  3. 基于移动Agent机制的可控树状结构秘密共享方案

    Controllable tree-structure secret sharing scheme based on mobile agent

  4. 在CurrentProject面板中,您可以看到迄今为止您已经创建的资产的树状结构以及交互集占位符和过滤器。

    In the Current Project pane , you can see the tree-like organization of the assets that you 've created so far and placeholders for interaction sets and filters .

  5. 可扩展链接语言将XML文档从树状结构扩展到图状结构,其结构相似性比较对文档查询、聚类意义重大。

    The available methods of comparing XML tree structural similarity and graph structural similarity ignore the document structural characteristics , hence the result has great difference with reality .

  6. 首先,给出表示关系模式的向量模型,保存了关系结构与属性信息和用户自定义约束信息;同时根据XML是典型的树状结构的特点,给出了XML模式树模型。

    First of all , a vector model of relational database and a XML schema tree model are proposed , preserving the structure , properties and user-defined constraint information .

  7. 在一个浏览表中研究树状结构,您会发现显示在Abstraction之下的一系列抽象类。

    Explore the tree structure in a browser diagram and you will see a list of abstract classes shown under Abstraction .

  8. 该方法充分利用了HTML文档内在的树状结构,设计了简单方便的样本网页标注形式。

    The method makes use of the native tree structure of HTML document and designs a new simple form of labeling the example pages .

  9. 同样的问题也适用于其他API,无论是解析XML、读取属性文件还是在内存中创建树状结构的API。

    The same could be said about any other API , whether it 's intended for parsing XML , reading property files , or creating tree-based structures in memory .

  10. PMI从服务器的不同组件收集这些数据并将它们组织成一个树状结构。

    PMI collects this data from various components in the server and organizes them into a tree structure .

  11. 软件界面友好、操作简便,实用性强,具有树状结构导航、与Excel进行数据交流的特色功能。

    Friendly user interface . The software can exchange data with Excel and is easy to operate and of high availability and tree navigation . 3 .

  12. 结果会产生一个ClearCase中的新版本树状结构。这意味着它们不能被比较。

    The result would be a new version tree within ClearCase , which means that they cannot be compared .

  13. 找到WSDL文件后,在Navigator窗格的WSDLMain条目下应该有一个树状结构,列出了Web服务中的所有方法。

    After the WSDL file is found , you should now have a tree structure beneath the WSDL Main item in the Navigator pane , listing all the methods in your Web service .

  14. 该模型揭示了非单调输出树状结构MCM互连网络的延迟与各设计参数之间的明确关系,因此它可以作为一种计算延迟的有效方法。

    The model reveals an explicit causal relationship between delay of non monotonic rising node voltage in tree structured and design parameters .

  15. 可扩展标记语言(ExtensibleMarkupLanguage,XML)不仅被看作是一种标记语言,而且是一种基于文本的数据存储格式,它提供了基于文本的方法来应用和描述信息的树状结构。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is described as both a markup language and a text-based data storage format ; it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information .

  16. linux内核实际上以树状结构展示设备,这种树状关系可以通过sysfs查看,在编写我们自己的规则时这非常有用。

    The Linux kernel actually represents devices in a tree-like structure , and this information is exposed through sysfs and useful when writing rules .

  17. 本文采用CART算法来解决结构辨识问题,它能够剔除无关变量并将输入空间划分成树状结构;

    CART can eliminate the unnecessary variables , and then divides the input space as a tree-shape . In this paper , CART is introduced to solve the problem .

  18. 三维模块是基于OpenGL实现的,使用户能够看到脑部组织的三维形象,从而提高对脑部组织的结构和相互位置关系的认识,重点研究了脑部组织解剖标签的树状结构和模型拾取操作。

    The 3D module is based on OpenGL , it enables the customer to see three-dimensional images of the brain structures , enhance the understanding of brain structures mutual location .

  19. 对XML的存储和检索技术进行了探讨,并提出了自己的在关系数据库中存取XML数据的方法,按照原始的树状结构来存取XML数据和Schema。

    We discussed several kinds of technologies for XML storage and query and put forward a method to save and take out XML data in relation databases . We save XML and Schema in databases in term of original tree structure .

  20. 它是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的一个子集,采用文本方式应用和描述信息的树状结构。

    It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ); it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information .

  21. 采用DOM(文档对象模型)创建与后台交互的XML文档,把系统开发者的行为创建为规范的树状结构文档再传递到后台,这样就使得后台程序能够很容易地解析和处理。

    It has made easier for the back system to parse and deal with the XML document , when used DOM to build it , which the action of system developer can be restored as a standard tree document and shift to the back system .

  22. 通过寻找模型搜索器中的类,找出等级树状结构类,双击打开编辑器中的类,按下F4以打开等级树。

    Discover the hierarchical tree structure classes by finding the class in the Model Explorer , double-click to open the class in the editor , and press F4 to open the hierarchy tree .

  23. 树状结构是德国建筑师FreiOtto在20世纪60年代提出的一个结构形态学概念,具有造型新颖优美、受力简捷合理的特点,因而受到建筑师的普遍青睐,在工程实践中得到了较多应用。

    Branching structure , as a structural morphological concept , was put forward by German architect Frei Otto in 1960s . With novel and beautiful configurations and reasonable force-bearing characteristics , branching structures are favored by architects , and have been employed in many engineering applications .

  24. 它具有纹理树状结构的多分辨分析特性。

    It is provided with multiresolution analysis of texture tree construction .

  25. 一种针对有机分子的新式子结构匹配法&树状结构数据匹配

    MOLECULAR MATERIALS NUCLEON STRUCTURE A Novel Substructure Match Method Tree Data Matching

  26. 故障知识库中树状结构的表示与实现

    Representation and Accomplishment of Tree-like Structure for Fault Knowledge Base

  27. 依照树状结构,分层次地组建这种8结点的超正方体。

    According to the tree structure , the hypercube is formed hierarchically .

  28. 圣婴儿,失足在树状结构下面的一个黑貂,为我。

    Santa baby , slip a sable under the tree , For me .

  29. 基于新型树状结构的无线传感器网络桥梁结构健康监测系统研究

    Bridge structural health monitoring system based on a tree structured wireless sensor network

  30. 基于原子库树状结构划分的诱导式信号稀疏分解

    Guiding method of signal sparse decomposition based on tree-structured partition of atom dictionary