
  1. 就抓住那根树桠,然后站稳。

    Just take hold of that branch there and steady yourself by that .

  2. 就抓住那根树桠,然后站稳。头上枝桠纵横,几乎把河面全封没了。

    Just take hold of that branch there and steady yourself by that . The jungle overhead closed over the river almost completely .

  3. 那些曾经见过印第安人在树桠下往来的老橡树,现在用它们的巨大躯干紧紧围住这所房子,同时用枝叶在屋顶上空撑起一起浓荫。

    The old oaks , which had seen Indians pass under their limbs , hugged the house closely with their great trunks and towered their branches over the roof in dense shade .