
  • 网络Binder;resin binder;resin bonding agent
  1. 新型树脂黏结剂对全瓷黏结强度的影响

    Influence of new resin cements on bond strength to ceramic

  2. 陶瓷&树脂黏结剂黏结的研究进展

    Progress on adhesion behavior between composite resin cement and ceramics

  3. 钼改性酚醛树脂黏结剂的研究

    Study on Mo - PF Used as Bonding Agent

  4. 树脂黏结剂黏结铸瓷基底微渗漏的研究

    Microleakage of various cementing agents for casting ceramics

  5. 铸造生产的两大污染源,一是使用含有有毒物质的树脂黏结剂,二是排放的废砂成为大量固体废物。

    In foundry production , two great pollution sources are use of resin binders containing toxic matters and large amount of solid garbage resulting from waste sands .

  6. 有机硅/酚醛树脂共混黏结剂在摩擦复合材料中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Silicone Resin together with Phenolic Resin as A Mixed Adhesive in Frictional Composites

  7. 选择芦苇和稻草为原料,以脲醛树脂为黏结剂制备了芦苇-稻草刨花板。

    Reed and rice-straw was used as raw materials for preparing particleboard , and the UF resin as binder .

  8. 以改性环氧树脂为黏结剂、银包玻璃微珠为导电填料合成了导电防腐涂料。

    A conductive and anticorrosive coating was synthesized with modified epoxy resin as bonding agent and silver-coated glass bead as conductive filling .

  9. 本实验将纳米金刚石按不同比例分别加入复合树脂和黏结剂中,检测复合树脂中加入纳米金刚石后的抗压强度、挠曲强度、显微硬度和耐磨性能,观察其对复合树脂机械性能的影响;

    The compressive strength , flexure strength , micro-hardness and wear - resistance of the treated composite resin were examined to evaluate the effect of nano-diamond on the mechanical properties of composite resin .

  10. 目的:研究复合树脂、树脂黏结剂与牙体界面超微结构,评价不同处理以及不同树脂修复方法的效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the characteristics of bonding interface and microstructure of different resin composite inlays .