
  • 网络tree species selection;selection of tree species;choice of tree species
  1. 旨在为北京地区进行城市绿化及抗旱节水树种选择、提高造林成活率提供理论依据。

    Target of the researches is to meet the need in choice of tree species with drought-tolerance and lower water consumption , higher survival rates in the semiarid areas of Beijing .

  2. 通过树种选择、提前整地、覆盖造林和使用保水剂等造林措施的实施,均可提高树木的抗旱能力。

    In addition , in the aspect of forestation technology of drought resistance , the capacity of drought resistance can be enhanced by choice of tree species , soil preparation in advance , covered forestation and the application of water-absorbent .

  3. 树种选择的fuzzy概率模型及其应用

    Fuzzy probability model for selecting tree species and Application

  4. 废弃采石场绿化树种选择及其配套技术研究

    Tree Species Selection and Supporting Technique for Greening Abandoned Open Pit

  5. 退耕还林及树种选择的思考

    Thoughts on Species Selection of Returning Agricultural Land to Forest Land

  6. 农田防护林更新树种选择及配置模式研究

    Study on species selection and allocation in regeneration of farmland shelterbelt

  7. 青海东部地区主要树种选择及造林技术

    Technique on Selection Main Species and Forestation in East of Qinghai

  8. 树种选择配置在园林绿化中的应用

    Application of selection and disposition of tree varieties to landscape virescence

  9. 滇东南岩溶山区造林树种选择试验

    Reforestation Species Selection for Karst Mountain Area in Southeastern Yunnan

  10. 北方吸污绿化树种选择

    The Selection of Planting Tree Species for Pollutants Absorption in North China

  11. 锦州市行道树树种选择与规划浅议

    Preliminary Suggestion on Choosing and Planning Roadside Trees Species for Jinzhou City

  12. 元谋干热河谷引种造林试验及树种选择研究

    A Study on Species Introduction in Xerothermic Valley in Yuanmou , Yunnan

  13. 棕榈科植物行道树的树种选择及种植浅议

    Suggestion on Choice and Planting of Palms Species as urban Roadside Trees

  14. 滨海盐渍土绿化树种选择和栽植技术

    Tree Selection and Planting Technology Coping with Coastal Saline Soil

  15. 武汉地区园林乔木树种选择问题的探讨

    An investigation on the selection of ornamental trees in Wuhan

  16. 杭州城市森林树种选择研究

    Studies on Tree Species Selection of Urban Forest in Hangzhou

  17. 集对分析在伴生树种选择上的应用

    The Application of Set Pair Analysis for Selection of Associated Tree Species

  18. 退耕还林地造林树种选择的探讨

    Exploration on Tree Species Selection for the Forest Rehabilitation Project

  19. 思茅地区公益林建设树种选择

    Species Selection for Public Benefit Forest Construction of Simao Prefecture

  20. 南昌市道路绿化树种选择

    Tree Species Selection in Greening City Road of Nanchang

  21. 昆明市城市绿化树种选择

    Tree Species Selection for Urban Greening of Kunming City

  22. 中国东北城市森林树种选择与气候的关系

    Relation-ship between the selection of urban forest species and climate in Northeastern China

  23. 桉树引种与树种选择的研究

    A study on introduction and selection of Eucalyptus species

  24. 哈尔滨市城郊森林生态网络体系建设中树种选择的研究

    Study on Tree Species Selection of Suburban Forest Eco-network System Construction in Harbin

  25. 半干旱风沙区立地类型划分与抗逆树种选择

    Division of Site Type and Selection of Resistant Species on Semiarid Sand Area

  26. 略谈吕梁地区退耕还林布局及树种选择

    Sketch on Arrangement of Converting the Land for Forestry and Tree Species Selection

  27. 大庆市绿化树种选择查询系统的研究

    Study on the Selection Inquiring System of Afforesting Tree Species in Daqing City

  28. 玉溪市薪炭林树种选择和营造技术

    The silvicultural technique and species selection for the fuelwood plantation in Yuxi City

  29. 永康市农田林网建设树种选择探讨

    Discuss on Tree Species Selection for Field Forest Network Construction in Yongkang City

  30. 飞机造林混播树种选择试验

    Tests on Species Selection of Aerial Mixture Sowing Afforestation