
  • 网络Educational Leadership;Education Leadership
  1. SFSU在115个学科领域可授予学士学位,97个学科可颁发硕士学位,此外还设有教育领导专业博士级别课程。

    SFSU awards Bachelor 's degrees in115 areas , Master 's in97 , and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership .

  2. 霍金森坚决主张,教育领导是一种道德艺术。

    Hodgkinson asserts educational leadership to be a moral art firmly .

  3. 美国高等教育领导研究:范式流变与理论解读

    American Higher Education Leadership Study : Paradigm Change and Theory Explanation

  4. 高等教育领导的有效性分析

    The Analysis of Effectiveness on the Leaders of Higher Education

  5. 教育领导理论与实施,只有通过价值实践才能联系起来。

    Theory of educational leadership is related to practice through value praxis only .

  6. 重视和加强教育领导学的研究

    Due Attention to the Study on Educational Leadership

  7. 教育领导要解决的主要问题本身也是价值问题。

    The central problem to resolve for educational leadership itself is a value problem .

  8. 山西省科技教育领导小组关于加强山西省地市县科技工作的意见

    The Opinions of the Sci-tech-edu Leading Group of Shanxi Province about Strengthening the Sci-tech Works

  9. 教育领导理论新进展

    The New Development of Educational Leadership Theory

  10. 但是该想法在保守派,自由主义,军队和教育领导中获得了支持。

    But the idea gained support among conservatives and liberals , the military and education leaders .

  11. 远程教育领导们思考着:影响远程教育未来发展的问题究竟是什么?

    What issues do distance education ( DE ) leaders believe will influence the future of DE ?

  12. 在构建学习型学校过程中教育领导角色与策略分析

    An Analysis on the Role and Strategy of Educational Leadership in the Process of Constructing the Learning School

  13. 小学生辍学问题一直是各级教育领导的一个难题。

    Dropout issue of elementary school students has always been a difficult problem for education leadership at all levels .

  14. 在当前,研究这一理论有助于我们在中国现实中创建教育领导学大厦。

    Further study of Herderson 's theory can help us to build an education leadership architecture above the Chinese reality .

  15. 科学发展观视野中的思想政治教育领导艺术&德育工作者的非权力性影响力

    Leadership of the Ideological and Political Education in the Perspective of the Scientific Outlook on Development : On Non-power Influence of Instructors

  16. 在最近的10年中,美、英、澳的教育领导理论研究取得了令人瞩目的新进展。

    In the past decade , inspiring progresses have been achieved in the study of educational leadership theories in USA , UK and Australia .

  17. 首先,本文基于当前教育领导研究的现状,采用语义分析法界定了领导及其领导有效性概念,并提出了研究假设。

    In the beginning , the author analyses the concept of leadership and the efficiency of leadership with semantic analysis , and puts forward some assumptions .

  18. 该方案有密切的产业环节,来自工业的专业教学人员将提供教育领导到专业硕士学位。

    The programme has close industry links , the professionals from industries along with academic staff will offer education leading to a Professional Master 's degree .

  19. 教育领导学是研究与提高教育领导活动的合理性、科学性和有效性相关的一般性的主要的领导问题的理论体系。

    In this sense , the educational leadership is a theoretical system for exploring and improving those key issues in connection with the rationality , scientific basis and effectiveness of educational leaders ' practice .

  20. 我国的教育领导学研究应主要包括学科性质、基本要领领导行为、领导能力等内容,并且要采取适当的措施,加强教育领导学的学科建设与推广工作。

    In China , the theory on educational leadership should concentrate on the core contents of four aspects and appropriate measures should also be adopted for reinforcing the disciplinary construction and popularization of educational leadership theory .

  21. 课程领导的五向度模式,是从五个不同的视角审视课程改革,这五个视角为:结构领导、人力资源领导、政治领导、文化领导和教育领导。

    The five dimensions of curriculum leadership model review curriculum reform from five different perspectives , the five viewing angle are structure leadership , human resource leadership , political leadership , cultural leadership and educational leadership .

  22. 早期著作中对教育领导工具理性的批判、对教育管理主体意识的研究,已经预示了道德领导作为教育领导理论基础的可能性。

    The possibility for Moral Leadership to be the base of educational leadership theory has been indicated in his early works about the instrumentalism criticism of educational leadership and the study on the subjective consciousness of educational administration .

  23. 文章论述了建构主义教育领导观的思想基础,对建构主义领导的含义和概念进行了系统的分析,指出了建构主义领导的基本主张,这对于改善学校领导实践具有启发意义。

    This paper discusses the theoretical foundation of constructivism educational leadership , and analyzes its connotation and concept , and points its basic view , hoping to provide some reference for improving the practice of school leadership in China .

  24. 教育领导就是确定教育组织的发展方向与共同愿景,对全体成员施加积极的影响,使其积极主动地为实现组织目标而努力工作的过程与活动。

    Educational leadership refers to the process and activities for determining the development orientation and common vision of educational organizations and exerting active influences upon all educational staff for encouraging them to make initiative and energetic efforts to realize the objectives of educational organizations .

  25. 然而在促进教师专业发展的实践中,教育领导部门及学校感到最棘手的问题之一是有相当一部分教师不愿发展,教师发展的内在动力缺失。

    At present , in practice to promote the development of teachers ' professional , one of the most difficult problem of education authorities and schools is that there are quite a number of teachers are reluctant to develop , lack of inner impetus of development .

  26. 在教育领导理论蓬勃发展的浪潮中,社会公正领导理论体现了许多独具的优势,然而毕竟它还处于发展之中,并不成熟,还存在一些局限和不足,时其评价应客观。

    In the booming wave of educational leadership theory , theory of social justice leadership has many unique advantages . However , it is still in development and it is not mature . There are still some limitations and shortcomings , so we should evaluate it objectively .

  27. 鉴于课程领导五向度中教育领导的意涵基本上是指迄今课程研究中谈得最多的课程规划和设计、实施与评价等课程工学方面的内容,本文集中探讨其他四个向度的课程领导。

    Considering that the educational leadership defined in the five dimensions of curriculum leadership covers the technological aspects of curriculum planning and design , implementation and evaluation which have been most intensively explored so far in curriculum research , this paper only deals with the other four dimensions .

  28. 二月份,参议员LamarAlexander对高等教育部门领导提出警告,除非降低高的教育费用,否则会遭到抵制。

    In February , Senator Lamar Alexander warned higher education leaders that they risk rejection unless they lower the cost of attending college .

  29. 加拿大医学美容协会(CAAM)是致力于追求卓越,通过美容医学教育和领导的安全。

    The Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine ( CAAM ) is committed to excellence and safety in Aesthetic Medicine through education and leadership .

  30. 这个委员会将归新成立的教育系领导。

    This committee will come under the new Education Department .