
  • 网络education wisdom;education intelligence;educational intelligence;pedagogical thoughtfulness
  1. 论语文教育智慧的生成

    The Forming of Education Wisdom in Teaching the Chinese Language

  2. 理想的教师专业发展目标是形成教师的教育智慧;

    The ideal teachers ' professional development goal is to form teachers ' education wisdom ;

  3. 同时,启发其教育智慧,提高和改善其教育能力、教育行为。

    Educational wisdom , and improve their educational ability and behavior .

  4. 教师教育智慧的形成过程是与其专业成长相伴的。

    The cultivation of educational wisdom is accompanied with teachers'professional growth .

  5. 校本课程开发与教师教育智慧增长

    School-Based Curriculum Development and Growth of Teachers ' Educational Wisdom

  6. 寻找道德教育智慧的源头

    Seeking for the Origin of the Wisdom of Moral Education

  7. 关注职校教师教育智慧及其形成与发展;

    Pay more attention to their educational intelligence and their vocation development ;

  8. 教师教育智慧的主要特性是生成性。

    The most important feature of teacher 's educational wisdom is generation .

  9. 教育智慧是教师专业素养的重要标志,其实质是教师专业发展中表现出来的创新品质。

    Educational wisdom is the main mark of the teacher 's professional quality .

  10. 教育智慧充盈,实践能力强;

    Sufficiency of educational intelligence and strong practical ability ;

  11. 道家教育智慧的现代启示

    Inspiration of Taoist Foresight in Education in Modern Times

  12. 教育智慧缺乏,实践能力差;

    Lack of educational intelligence and poor practical ability ;

  13. 教师的教育智慧是取得教育成功的活的灵魂。

    Teachers ' educational intelligence is the soul of the success in education .

  14. 教师实践智慧是相对于教师的理论智慧而言的,它和教师的理论智慧共同构成教育智慧。

    The teaching practical wisdom and pedagogical theory knowledge are composed of pedagogical wisdom .

  15. 反思性学习:体育教师教育智慧的意蕴

    Reflective Learning : the Significance and Conception of PE Teachers ' Wisdom of Teaching

  16. 摘要中国古代教育智慧源远流长,博大精深。

    The educational wisdom of ancient China which has a long history is profound .

  17. 智慧型教师具有理性智慧、情感智慧、实践智慧等教育智慧。

    Smart teacher have education wisdom including rational wisdom , emotional intelligence , practical wisdom .

  18. 第二,通过转识成智和改善思维两个方面生成教育智慧。

    Second , education wisdom is created with knowledge transferred to wisdom and thought amended .

  19. 强化期望效应教育智慧

    Wisdom in Expectative Effect by Intensified Education

  20. 具有教育智慧的教师是思想者与实践者的统一体。

    The teacher who has educational wisdom is the unification of a thinker and a practicer .

  21. 它与教学艺术、教育智慧、创造性教学既有相似之处又有所区别。

    Teaching tact and teaching art , education wisdom , creative teaching has both similarities and difference .

  22. 教师的教育智慧

    On Teachers ' Educational Wisdom

  23. 中学课堂是一个复杂的、充满矛盾的场所,对教师的课堂教育智慧提出了原生性要求。

    Secondary school classroom is a complex , contradictory place , it requires teachers ' educational wisdom originally .

  24. 佛学中的教育智慧

    Education Wisdom of Buddhism

  25. 在对教育智慧这一问题的研究中,教育智慧主要与教师素质和优质教育相联系。

    In the research of educational wisdom , educational wisdom is connected with teacher 's quality and excellent education .

  26. 学习主体与学习环境双向建构与整体生成&创造全球化时代的学习文化与教育智慧

    The Mutual Construction and Systemic Evolution of Learners and Learning Environment : Building Learning Culture and Educational Wisdom in Globalization Age

  27. 在本体论上,教育智慧弥漫于教育之中,是对生命意义的筹划和实现,也是一种自知之明。

    In ontology , educational wisdom pervades educational world , projects and realizes the meaning of life , and aware of self .

  28. 教师的行为观念、学生的行为反应与期望教育智慧之间存在着循环往复的锁链关系。当然,究竟什么样的教育可称为优质教育,各有各的看法。

    There is a cycling chain relation between teachers ' behavioral outlook , and behavioral reaction to students and educational wisdom expected .

  29. 课程蕴含着深厚的教育智慧和专业化技能,是实现教育目标的基本途径。

    With the profound educational wisdom and professional skills , curriculum can be seemed as a basic avenue to achieve the education targets .

  30. 要培养具有学习能力,具有创新能力的高素质人才首先就需要每个教师具有教育智慧和能力。

    To cultivate high-qualified talents with strong learning ability and creativity , the teachers ' wisdom and ability in education are greatly needed .