
jiào huì lùn
  • doctrine of the church
  1. 你可能会说这场运动有各样的不足,特别是在教会论方面。

    You might say there are all sorts of deficiencies in this movement , especially in the area of the doctrine of the church .

  2. 三自爱国运动的政治意义和神学意义,都是基督教的内在本质所决定的,都是教会论所不能忽略的课题,都是教会性的组成部分。

    Both the political and theological meaning of the Three & self Patriotic Movement are determined by the inner nature of Christianity .

  3. 近代烟台教会学校述论

    An Exposition on the Missionary School of Yantai in Modern Times

  4. 晚清政府的教会育婴政策述论

    On Late Qing Dynasty 's Policy for Church Orphanage