
  • 网络continuous reinforcement;Con ntuiousenRefionrctem
  1. 早期连续强化巩固治疗后自体骨髓移植治疗成人急性淋巴细胞白血病

    Autologous bone marrow transplantation for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients after early continuous intensive chemotherapy

  2. 如果你想达到这个目的,那么诀窍就是,不要进行连续强化。

    If you want that , the trick is don 't reinforce it all the time .

  3. 基于高斯过程分类器的连续空间强化学习

    Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Spaces Based on Gaussian Process Classifier

  4. 对连续状态的强化学习基准问题进行仿真实验,结果表明该方法能实现对连续状态空间的自适应离散化,并最终学习到最优策略。

    Simulation conducted on reinforcement learning benchmark problem with continuous state shows that the proposed method can adaptively discretize continuous state space and learn optimal policy in the end .

  5. 本文论述了用连续激光射线强化金属材料的三个问题:增加被加工表面吸收能力的方法;强化图形以及激光强化用量与强化层特征参数之间的关系。

    Three problems of surface hardening metal material by CW laser beam are discussed in this paper : method of increasing absorption capacity of machined surface , strengthening laser pattern arrangement in the machined surface , and relationship of hardening parameters and characteristics in the hardend surface .

  6. 胃平滑肌瘤CT表现以粘膜面连续性线样强化征为其特征性表现。

    The CT characteristic features of leiomyoma were the continuous linear enhancement in mucosa .

  7. 连续胞状结构强化Ta-W-Hf合金的压缩变形

    Compress Deformation of Ta-W-Hf Alloy Strengthened by Continuous Cellular Structure

  8. 结果表明,由于连续管材料变形强化度低,钻杆塑性变形有限,在分析钻杆反复弯曲应力状态时,可不考虑强化和塑性变形的面积效应。

    Since the strain hardenability of coiled tubing is low , and the plastic deformation of drill pipe is limited , the hardenability and the change of cross section area of drill pipe effected by plastic deformation can be neglected practically .