
  • 网络Christianity;Christian doctrine
  1. 弥尔顿在《基督教教义》中对此作了系统阐述。

    Milton has a systematic explanation for this in Christian Doctrine .

  2. 显然约翰福音是,非常重要的基督教教义。

    Obviously the Gospel of John is very important for Christian doctrine .

  3. 他信仰基督教教义和婚姻的圣洁。

    He believed in Christian values and the sanctity of marriage .

  4. 他对接下来的基督教教义的看法如何?

    What does he think of the Christianity which followed it ?

  5. 《圣经》和基督教教义成为中世纪视觉艺术的底本。

    Bible and Christianity doctrine is the base of the visual arts .

  6. 新入教者正在被授以基督教教义的人。

    One who is being taught the principles of christianity .

  7. 圣保罗是基督教教义的主要制定者之一。

    Chief among the makers of Christian doctrine was St.

  8. 柏拉图很早就在基督教教义的发展历程中起作用了。

    Plato very early on played a part in development of Christian doctrine .

  9. 她以基督教教义作为生活的准则。

    She leads her life according to Christian principles .

  10. 为基督教教义辩护的神学分支。

    The branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines .

  11. 基督论是基督教教义的核心部分。

    Christology is the core part of Christianity .

  12. 要实践基督教教义是很困难的。

    It 's difficult to live up to the principles of a religion like christianity .

  13. 概述基督教教义的正式信条。

    A formal creed summarizing Christian beliefs .

  14. 启示录中提到的基督教教义关于千禧年的信仰。

    Belief in the Christian doctrine of the millennium mentioned in the Book of Revelations .

  15. 他对基督教教义的无知。

    His ignorance of Christian doctrine .

  16. 他是一位16世纪的人道主义者,致力于协调基督教教义和禁欲主义,堪称博学多才与诚实正直的化身。

    A16th-century humanist who sought to reconcile Christianity and Stoicism , Lipsius betokens learning and integrity .

  17. 一本总结基督教教义基本原则的入门书;以问答的形式写作。

    An elementary book summarizing the principles of a Christian religion ; written as questions and answers .

  18. 他认为,我们日后所谓的基督教教义,是成为犹太教徒的正确做法。

    He thinks what we would call Christianity is simply the right way to be a Jew .

  19. ,没什么,只是,他要传授的基督教教义的一部分罢了。

    Nothing , it 's just something that 's part of Christian doctrine that he 's passing on .

  20. 课程包括《旧约》《新约》的介绍、基督教教义、伦理学和牧灵职务。

    Courses include an introduction to the Old and New Testaments , Christian doctrine , ethics , and pastoral ministry .

  21. 并以人本主义为基础,对基督教教义进行扬弃,充分赞扬基督教中耶稣“爱”的伟大人格。

    Chen Duxiu advertised the atheism and under the foundation of humanism , commended the Christianity Jesus'great personality & " love " .

  22. 犹太四教派联合签署声明反对希伯来基督教教义和手段。

    On several occasions leaders of the four major Jewish movements have signed on to joint statements opposing Hebrew-Christian theology and tactics .

  23. 原罪说、救赎说以及末世论,以罪为核心揭示了基督教教义中有关人的历史生成的理论,其中包含着堕落下降式辩证法;

    The doctrine of " Shi " reveals the theory of man 's historical development and contains a " falling " dialectic .

  24. 他的神学主题分析如∶伟大的上帝之子,对基督教教义的发展产生重大的影响。

    His explications of theological issues such as the significance of the Son of God greatly influenced the development of Christian doctrine .

  25. 第三种成分不是来自于希腊哲学的,它来自于基督教教义的另一,母体,也就是犹太教。

    The third ingredient doesn 't come from Greek philosophy , it comes from the other parent of Christianity , which is Judaism .

  26. 洪秀全在特殊历史条件下把基督教教义、仪式与中国传统儒家思想、小农意识以及民间宗教交糅融合。

    Hong Xiuquan , under the special history conditions , combined Christian doctrines and rituals with traditional Chinese Confucianism , peasant ideology and folk religions .

  27. 究其原因,一是此时基督教教义正处于完善成熟阶段,纷争不可避免,难以调和;

    The reasons are : firstly , at that moment the doctrine of Christianity was becoming mature , so that the inevitable conflict was impossible to be mediated ;

  28. 无论是古希腊古罗马的宪政思想,还是中世纪基督教教义对权利的肯定,以及由此产生的近代权利萌芽,都不是近代意义的权利文化。

    Both the constitutionalism theory in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and the Christian doctrine in Middle Ages are not the real mean of rights in modern culture .

  29. 你们可能觉得并不顺理成章,但很多古人这样认为,他们把这点融入基督教教义。

    Well , it may not be intuitive to you , but this seemed to be intuitive to a lot of ancient people who incorporated this into their teachings about Christianity .

  30. 不,我当然不,我猜想,很困难找任何受过教育的人相信它,或相信其他的基督教教义。

    No , of course I don 't , and I imagine you 'll have some difficulty finding any educated person who believes in it , or any other Christian dogma .