
  • 网络Gheed
  1. 植酸含量与北豆腐的湿基得率、干基得率呈正相关。

    Phytic acid was positively correlated to wet and dry yield of north tofu .

  2. 我们用二茂铁乙炔、芳香醛和尿素三组分一锅煮反应,想要得到二茂铁基得4H-1,3-嗪。

    We experimented by the one-pot reaction of ethynylferrocene , Arylaldehydes and Urea , wanted to the ferrocene-containing4H-1,3-Oxazines .

  3. 然而为了换上新的大门,考克斯基得要支付数百英镑的账单。

    However , it has left him with a bills for several hundred pounds for a new front door .

  4. 谭旭光说,虽然全球经济正在下滑,但收购将使公司在消费市场的未来得到保障,并使它在机械制造行业的根基得以扩大。

    Mr. Tan said that despite the slumping global economy acquisitions will secure the company 's future in the consumer market and expand its base in machinery .

  5. 我非常清楚的记得当年在太阳队他只是基得的替补,这个加拿大小伙对足球很有兴趣。

    I very well remembered the times he was the sub for Jason Kidd at Phoenix , as this fancy Canadian guy with an interest in English football .