
  • 网络Basic Platform;Genesys Framework
  1. 本文指出了如今GIS的误区,即采用含有少量信息的地形图作为GIS基本平台。

    This paper points out the GIS common failing of using topographic maps with little information and suggests RGIS in which RS information is the main content .

  2. EC2是基本平台的好例子。

    EC2 is a great example of a basic platform .

  3. 卫星和Internet是开展网络教育的两个基本平台,开展高校间跨校选课、学分互认的网络教育是共享教学资源的一个好形式。

    The satellite and Internet are two basic forms which carry out network education . It is a new form of network education selecting courses and recognizing credits and shares teaching resources among the universities .

  4. 最后,关注了新的电力XML标准的制定和网络安全问题,指出基于XML的数据平台将成为电力市场技术支持系统的基本平台。

    New power system XML standards and network security are focused on and the conclusion is made that the XML-based data platform will become the basic platform of technique support systems in power market .

  5. 整个OSPF软件的实现是以公司开发了的路由器软、硬件作为基本平台。

    The implementation of the OSPF routing protocol software was based on the platform of the developed router 's software and hardware .

  6. 本文提出建立基于SA8000体系为基础的现代人力资源管理制度的基本平台,建立基于胜任能力的人力资源管理机制,建立基于文化认同的能力提升机制。

    The businesses should develop the modern human resource management system based on SA8000 system , develop the human resource management mechanism based upon employee 's competency , and develop the competency improvement mechanism based upon culture identifying .

  7. 基本平台只提供最基本的功能&只有(虚拟)硬件,还可能有操作系统。

    Basic platforms are minimal offerings & just ( virtual ) hardware and maybe an operating system .

  8. 专门平台在基本平台上提供某种编程环境和服务。

    Specialized platforms provide some type of programming environment and services on top of a basic platform .

  9. 本节讨论的所有平台都在基本平台的基础上提供额外特性。

    The platforms in this section all offer extra features on top of the basic platforms described above .

  10. 为了帮助讨论这么多平台,把它们粗略地分为基本平台和专门平台两类。

    To help navigate such a large list , they are loosely classified as basic and specialized platforms .

  11. 如果希望以最灵活的方式配置云中的系统,就需要基本平台。

    If you want the greatest freedom to configure your systems in the cloud , you probably want a basic platform .

  12. 高校思想政治教育工作应以理想信念教育为基本平台,指导大学生职业生涯设计;

    The ideological and political work should provide guidance to student future career design on the basis of ideal and beliefs education ;

  13. 本文首先针对电器安全测试平台的基本平台技术作了详细的介绍,说明建立测试平台的诸多优点和建立测试平台的必要性。

    The first part of the paper introduces the based technology about electrical apparatus safety testing platform , more excellence and necessity to build test platform .

  14. 在对当代中国城市发展的区域格局分析的基础上,本文论述中国城市发展的具体文化环境,搭建我国地域聚居与文化研究的基本平台。

    Based on analysis on regional development of Chinese urban , it studies the culture environment of urban development and constructs the culture basis of urban study .

  15. 这样,拥有基本平台后,本实验台未预见的,需要开展的制冷、热泵方向的教学实验和科研实验只需添加自身新的实验段就可以组成新的实验系统。

    In this way , after having a basic platform , some unforeseen teaching and research experiments in refrigeration and heat pump can be conducted if only their own new experiment facilities were added .

  16. 其中,认知特性和个性维度共同构成大学生心理素质的基本平台或基本面,适应性维度则是认知特性和个性在大学生的社会生活环境中的综合表现。

    The cognitive trait and personality dimensions constitute the basic plane of the university students ' mental quality , while adaptability dimension is the integrated representation of cognitive trait and personality in the university students ' social environment .

  17. 学科作为一个知识生产体系和组织体系,是高等学校实现自身三大功能的基本平台,其形成与发展经历了一个漫长的时间过程。

    Discipline is a knowledge producing and organizing system , having been playing as the role of the basic platform for colleges and universities to realize their three main functions , and its formation and development has a long history .

  18. 针对行人碰撞汽车发动机罩的仿真试验的这一缺陷,本文以UG/NX软件为基本平台,使用二次开发手段,结合其内嵌知识工程模块,开发了基于知识的参数化快速划分头型冲击区域系统。

    In this paper , UG / NX software combines knowledge engineering with further development . According to the deficiency in the simulation of pedestrian collision engine hood , the parameterized system of fast division of headform impact area is developed .

  19. 该系统可以作为研究下一代互联网存储集群系统的存储体系结构、智能化存储方法、存储管理模式、数据组织模式和数据传输方式等课题的基本平台。

    So this system can be a good basic platform for further researches on the next generation storage cluster system , for instance , the storage architecture , intelligent storage , storage management , data organization , data transmission and so on .

  20. 它的核心是将A/D和D/A变换器尽可能地靠近天线,将电台功能尽可能地采用软件进行定义。软件无线电把硬件作为无线通信的基本平台,而尽可能把无线通信功能用软件来实现。

    The core technology is to put the A / D and D / A converter as closely as possible to the antenna , the radio function is defined as software , and the hardware is treated as the basic platform in software radio .

  21. 本文以国有林区经济社会系统为对象,以搭建推进国有林区可持续发展的基本平台为目标,以相关理论为指导,从宏观、战略的层次研究了国有林区可持续发展能力建设的基础问题。

    Directed by relevant theories , the dissertation studied the basic issues of state-owned forestry region sustainable development capability construction . It targeted at state-owned forestry region economic and social system and aimed at building up the platform of promoting state-owned forestry region sustainable development .

  22. 制度作为人类社会生活中一项根本性的安排,是个人与他人、个人与社会之间社会交往的产物,是调节人们之间社会关系的产物,它构成了现代人得以生存和发展的基本平台。

    As a fundamental arrangement in human society ," System " is the products of social communication between individual and others or between individual and society , and is also the products of social relationship adjustment . System is a basic platform for Modern man to survive and develop .

  23. 基于MATLAB的OFDM基本仿真平台设计

    MATLAB Basic Simulation Platform of OFDM System

  24. 由于PDA掌上电脑具有携带轻便、电池持久耐用,操作简单等特点,利于建立形变台站野外观测基本操作平台。

    With the characteristics of portability , long-lasting cell , simply operation and so on , PDA can provide a basic operation platform for the deformation field observation .

  25. 根据破碎流程的选择与计算及教学过程的特点,借助超文本及Activex控件等技术,开发了基本Web平台的破碎流程选择与计算CAI软件。

    The CAI software of crushing circuit selection and calculation was developed on Web platform , according to the features of teaching and crushing circuit selection and calculation and with the aid of hypertext and ActiveX etc.

  26. 阐述了863子课题双频RFID读写器的设计,所建立的物流终端信息平台将作为项目后期开发的基本硬件平台。

    The subject of 863 plane about the " double - frequency RFID reader " is described , based on which the physical distribution terminal platform is designed and will be used as the hardware platform of the afterward researches .

  27. 气象信息综合分析处理系统(英文缩写为MICAPS)是中国气象局9210工程的一个子系统,它负责业务气象资料的处理和显示,是业务预报员的基本工作平台。

    Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis and Processing System ( MICAPS ) is a subsystem of project 9210 of CMA . It provides a basic working platform for operational weather forecasters .

  28. 因为土地制度的创新是土地整治的基本操作平台。

    Because land system innovation is the basic platform of land renovation .

  29. 采用渐进式改善,基本的平台底子总是不变的。

    In incremental improvement , the basic platform is unchanged .

  30. 美白祛斑化妆品添加剂的基本筛选平台

    Basic screening schemes for ingredients of whitening cosmetic