
  • 网络cognitive domain;Cognitive field
  1. 基于自适应认知域的粒子群性能改进方法

    An Improved PSO Method Based on Adaptive Cognitive Domain

  2. 从关联理论看目的认知域中的意图映射

    Mapping of intention in the target cognitive domain : A perspective from Relevance Theory

  3. Lakoff和Johnson的理论是革命性的,他们的理论把众多的概念减少到通过隐喻来涵盖人类整个认知域的经验型基本概念。

    The theory of Lakoff and Johnson is revolutionary in the sense that it brings the notion of conceptual primacy to the fore .

  4. 论认知域源贡献的时域分析方法

    Analytical Method of Time Domain for Contribution of Noise Source

  5. 概念作为知识系统包含两种认知域:抽象的意义范畴和概念所指的世界万物。

    Concepts as systems of knowledge cover two cognitive domains ;

  6. 这种普遍存在的隐喻指的是两个不同的认知域之间的映射关系。

    The ubiquitous metaphor refers to the mapping relationship between two different cognitive domains .

  7. 从翻译的三个认知域论翻译的绝对性与相对性

    A Probe into the Absoluteness and Relativity of Translation from the Three Domains in Translation

  8. 为了解决这个问题,我们要在认知域中创建知识基础设施。

    To solve this problem , we need to build knowledge infrastructure in cognitive domain .

  9. 本文从认知域的划分和名词的指称两个方面探讨了物体量表达的实质及其功能表现。

    This article inquires into the nature and the functional features of object quantity expression .

  10. 本文还论述了认知域的概念和知识系统对侧重内容的制约作用。

    This paper also addresses the constraint on profiling imposed by the conceptual and knowledge system of cognitive domain .

  11. 框架、认知域及理想化的认知模式是认知语言学中表达概念的三个重要术语。

    Frame , cognitive domain and idealized cognitive model are three important terms used to express concepts in cognitive linguistics .

  12. 从总体上说,最主要的区别是句式语义特点不同和句式表达的认知域不同。

    Generally speaking , the main differences lay in the syntactic / semantic features and cognitive domain of the sentence patterns .

  13. 而转喻是用一事物指代另一与它相关的事物,并且这两个事物属于同一认知域。

    Metonymy is to use one entity to refer to another that is related to it within the same conceptual domain .

  14. 温度作为人的基本认知域之一,所衍生出的温度概念十分丰富。

    As one of the basic cognitive domains of humans , the sense of temperature has brought a broad scope of temperature concepts .

  15. 我们认为物体量成分和其他定语成分一样,是确立认知域成员的标准,使名词定指化。

    It holds that object quantity expression is a criterion to define the elements from a cognitive field as to specify the reference of a noun .

  16. 交际意图是动态交际系统的始发点,是意义的基体;意义是意图在交际中作用于目的认知域的一种映射,是意图的变体。

    The communicator 's intention ignites the whole dynamic communication system , and meaning is the mapping of the intention on the audience 's cognitive domain .

  17. 它以空间概念为源域向认知域或目标域进行映射而获得了引申和抽象意义的认知过程。

    It takes the spatial concepts as the source domain and maps spatial concepts unto the cognition domain or target domain , and acquires an extension and abstract meaning ;

  18. 本文认为特定认知域的认知模型受制于文化模型,文化具有鲜明的民族性,反映到语言层面上,则表现为各种语言形式的差异。

    It is concluded that the specific idealized cognitive model ( ICM ) is subject to cultural models . Culture characterized by nationality is manifested in different forms of languages .

  19. 我们注意到由于失去了视觉能力,所以这类词几乎全部进入了思维认知域,表示无法进行正确合理的认识。

    We notice that because of the loss of eye sight , such words almost all extends into intellectual cognitive domain , meaning unable to make rational choices and judgments .

  20. 框架转换理论对一句话笑话语义重新分析的触发因素有充分的阐释力,而概念合成理论更适用于分析涉及不同认知域概念的笑话。

    Frame-shifting theory appears to explain adequately the triggers of semantic reinterpretation of on-line jokes , while conceptual blending theory seems to apply neatly to jokes involving concepts from different domains .

  21. 本文发现澳大利亚英语中土著借词的词义变化与澳大利亚人的认知域的变化是紧密相连,互相影响的。

    The thesis finds that the meaning changes of the aboriginal borrowings in Australian English are closely related and are strongly affected by the changes of cognitive domains of the Australians .

  22. 本文从映现和认知域作用的角度对转喻进行界定和分类,并在此基础上分析了转喻和语法的相互作用和制约的关系。

    Based on defining and classifying metonymy from the perspective of conceptual mappings and cognitive domains , the paper attempts to analyze the interactions and constraints between metonymy and grammar in general .

  23. 体范畴是一个认知域,其中进行体、完成体、一般体和起始体等体是次域。

    Aspect category is a cognitive domain in which there are progressive aspect , perfective aspect , simple aspect and inchoative aspect and so on . The relation among them is contiguity .

  24. 隐喻是指从源域到目标域的一种投射方式;转喻则是在同一认知域中突显事物替代另一事物。

    Metaphor is a projection from the source field to the target field , and transitive metaphor is the substitute for a thing by the prominent thing in the same cognition field .

  25. 含义图式通常最先在空间域中实现,通过隐喻映射的方式扩展到其它认知域,形成以空间含义图式为原型的子范畴。

    The latter usually manifests itself first in the domain of space , and then extends to other domains by means of metaphorical mapping , forming a sub-category centering on space sense schemas .

  26. 态势认识是指挥控制过程在认知域中的重要环节,认识共享是改进态势认识、减少认识偏差的重要手段。

    The situation awareness is an important tache of C2 process in the cognitive domain , and the awareness sharing is a primary instrument to improve the situation awareness and decrease the awareness warp .

  27. 深入分析认知域的基础概念、基本特性和运行机制,勾勒人类认知域的基本轮廓和运行机制,对于马克思主义认识论的创新发展具有重要意义。

    Deeply analyzing the basic concepts , basic characteristics and function mechanism of cognition horizon and drawing the outline of its basic adumbration and function will possess great significance for Marxism epistemology innovation and development .

  28. 方位隐喻是从空间域向其他认知域或目标域进行投射,而人体本身可以看作一个容器,人们又把一些事物想象成为容器,因此就有了容器隐喻。

    Position metaphor means the casting from space field to other cognitive field or target field . Human body can be regard as a container , people imagine something to container , and container metaphor is emerging .

  29. 运动在人类思维中扮演特别角色,其逻辑延伸是方位主义。方位主义认为运动为其他更抽象的认知域提供认知框架,这些认知域有领属、转换、交际等。

    Motion plays a special role in human thinking . Its logical extension is localism , which assumes that motion provides the cognitive framework for more abstract domains of meaning , such as possession , transformation and communication .

  30. 比拟辞格的两个认知域根据相似性实现映射;而这种相似性又是通过认知主体经过无意加工、经验加工、相似联想和创造性想象以及移情发现、确立和创造的。

    The two cognitive domains formed mapping by the similarity , and the similarity is formed by the no intention to processing , shallow intended processing , similar association and the creative imagination and empathy of the cognitive subject .