
  • 网络Certification training;CTC;JCP;lee;WRAP;mcse
  1. 北京市ICU专科护士资格认证培训效果评价

    The effect evaluation of ICU specialist nurses training for qualification authentication in Beijing

  2. 方法对119名护士参加ICU护士资格认证培训后的8项技能操作考核成绩进行分析。

    Methods 119 nurses accepted skill training of qualification authentication . Check results of 8 skills were analyzed .

  3. 要想保持认证培训师资质,CST必须上交7500美元的年费。

    CSTs must pay an annual subscription fee of US $ 7500 to maintain their certified trainer status .

  4. ICAgile计划要颁发的证书(需要认证培训师的帮助)有

    Credentials that ICAgile intends to issue ( with the help of certified trainers ) includes

  5. 美国会展职业认证培训体系及其对中国的启示

    On America MICE Occupational Accreditation Training System and Its Enlightenment to China

  6. 浅谈三维认证培训对机械专业教学的促进

    Discusses Promoter Action of 3 D Authentication Training Shallowly to the Teach of the Machinery Special

  7. 有符合有关认证培训机构要求的质量管理体系文件;

    Having the document on quality management system as required for the relevant certification training institution ;

  8. 在升空前,旅客将完成为期三个月的猎户座宇航员认证培训项目。

    Travelers will complete a three-month Orion Span Astronaut Certification ( OSAC ) program before take-off .

  9. 一种是认证培训班。

    One is certification course .

  10. 认证培训可能会是公证员认证,微软认证,管理认证等等。

    Certification programs could be Notary public classes , Microsoft programming , project management , and more .

  11. 定期进行资格再认证培训,符合所有联邦和州的要求。

    Re-certification training will be conducted on a periodic basis , consistent with all federal and state requirements .

  12. 本文基于电子商务师职业资格认证培训教学实践,总结出商务师考试的教学特点、方法,并提出相应的授课方案。

    This paper summarizes the characteristics , teaching methods and modes of e - commerce professional qualification authentication training .

  13. 普通网络教育包括基础网络教育、幼儿网络教育和在线职业与认证培训3类。

    The non-degree online education includes three kinds of education : the fundamental online education , infant online education and occupation and authentication online education .

  14. 本文通过分析我国物流培训市场的需求与供给,提出大量物流从业人员在选择物流职业认证培训时带有盲目性,对物流培训的有效需求严重不足,导致物流培训市场供需错位的现状。

    Through analyzing the demand and supply of the domestic logistics training market , the article puts forward that many logistics practitioners are blind in choosing logistics certificates .

  15. 为了帮助推广这一概念,托拉尔自己出资聘请印度的认证培训教师,并游说政府支持这一概念。

    To help spread the idea , Toral used her own money to hire certified trainers from India and lobbied the government to lend its support to the concept .

  16. 不过,所有州均需要学士学位,并需要完成认证培训课程,该课程规定了一定数量的科目和教育学分,以及监督实习教学。

    However , all states require a bachelor degree and completion of an approved training program with a prescribed number of subject and education credits as well as supervised practice teaching .

  17. 本文拟从理论层面探讨教师资格认证培训产生的背景、法律依据、理论依据及其性质定位;

    In this article a theoretical study is given about the background of the training for teacher 's qualification , its legal basis , theoretical basis and the confirmation of its nature .

  18. 介绍了目前国内物流培训的几种形式,对物流认证培训进行了详细介绍;并对我国物流培训市场现存的问题进行了分析,对如何解决这些问题给出了若干可操作性建议。

    The paper introduces the different logistics training ways , especially the ways to offer logistics certificates at the present , analyzes the existing problems in training market and makes some suggestions .

  19. 本文在总揽美国现有的会展职业认证培训项目的基础上,对美国会展职业认证培训体系进行了分析,进而提出了中国会展职业认证培训市场存在的主要问题及发展对策。

    This paper , based on the overall view of America MICE occupational accreditation training programs , makes an analysis of America training system and furthermore puts forward China 's major problems and developing countermeasures .

  20. 水利行业必须进一步重视项目管理人员的职业资格认证培训工作,努力培养大批职业化的水利项目管理人才。

    Training on verification of professional qualification of project managers shall be attached great importance in the water sector and great effort shall be made on fostering a great deal of talents for professional project management in the water sector .

  21. 她说,被聘为服务生的员工会跟随一名认证培训师学习五天,了解酒店的方方面面,包括最辛苦的部分&品尝菜单上的所有食物。

    She reports that someone hired as a server will spend five days with a certified trainer , learning every aspect of the restaurant and a tough part of the job , to be sure tasting everything on the menu .

  22. 她说,被聘为服务生的员工会跟随一名认证培训师学习五天,了解酒店的方方面面,包括最辛苦的部分——品尝菜单上的所有食物。

    She reports that someone hired as a server will spend five days with a certified trainer , learning every aspect of the restaurant and -- a tough part of the job , to be sure -- tasting everything on the menu .

  23. 十年之后,三分之二以上的工作将需要高中以上的学历,包括18周的职业认证培训到两年的大专学历,再到四年的本科乃至博士学历。

    Consider that by the end of the decade , two out of three of all jobs will require an education beyond high school , from an 18-week certificate to a two-year associate 's degree to a four-year bachelor 's , or a PhD .

  24. 香港商学院副院长,国际认证专业培训师

    Hongkong commercial college subdecanal . Specialty division of international attestation .

  25. 英语语流核心之认证与培训

    Kernel of Flowing English Speech - Authenticity and Sensitivity

  26. 为企业提供仪器设备校准、产品质量检测、认证、培训、咨询等服务。

    SMQ represents a service provider for calibration , product testing , product certification , training and technical consultancy .

  27. 高校拓展训练教师水平亟待提高,需经过专业机构认证和培训。

    Higher level needs to be improved to expand the training of teachers , professional bodies and subject to certification and training .

  28. 我们应当尽快在现有规范性文件规定的框架内对保安服务业的体制、机制、投资进行改革,按市场要求建立保卫人员职业资格认证和培训体系。

    Therefore , we should reform the mechanism of guards ' professional credentials system and implement regulations which including training setup and authentication of credentials .

  29. 他说,通过IT职业和短期课程,学生会得到微软认证和培训的附加优势,提高技能和就业机会。

    Along with career and short-term IT courses , students will get the added advantage of Microsoft certification and training to enhance their skills and job opportunities , he said .

  30. “DavidH”推荐了一个六十分钟的Scrum练习,据他说这原本是认证的Scrum培训师(CST)的培训材料的一部分。

    " David H " recommends a sixty-minute Scrum exercise that he says was part of the original Certified Scrum Trainer ( CST ) course material .