
  1. 《纺织行业联合网》中电子文档的下载和加载

    Unloading and Loading of Electronic Files on the Textile United Net

  2. 提出了有功、无功联合网损分摊和支路潮流分解的理论基础。

    The theory of MVA loss allocation and branch power flow allocation is proposed .

  3. 欧洲作战通信联合网

    Joint European operations communication network

  4. 网红,有影响力的人轰动,引起轰动的人品牌正在联合网红、时装设计师和美容专家们来和潜在买家互动。

    sensation Brands are teaming up with internet celebrities , fashionistas , and beauty experts to engage with potential clients .

  5. 黄金周楼市的遇冷,跟厦门房地产联合网的调查不谋而合。

    Golden Week cold case of the property market , with the Xiamen real estate joint investigation coincides with the network .

  6. 联合网通讯社援引南韩代表补千英宇星期一抵达北京后的话说,保证六方会谈恢复的责任在北韩。

    Yonhap quoted South Korea 's Chun after his arrival in Beijing on Monday morning as saying that the onus was on North Korea in ensuring the six-party talks resumed .

  7. 披露:“大卫莱特曼晚秀”播出。在CBS广播网,这是由CBS公司,发行人拥有的联合新闻网。

    Disclosure : " Late Show With David Letterman " airs on the CBS broadcast network , which is owned by CBS Corp , publisher of CNET News .

  8. 水平井与垂直井联合井网波及系数研究

    Research on sweep efficiency in horizontal - vertical combined well pattern

  9. 水平井与直井联合井网见水时间的确定方法

    Determination of water breakthrough time in horizontal-vertical well pattern

  10. 联合电力网中最短路径的小偏差量δ算法

    Slim deviation δ method for the N shortest paths in United Power Network

  11. 此算法只要求计算机内存满足构成联合电力网的最大一个区域网潮流计算对内存的要求,从而极大的降低了联合电力网潮流计算对内存的要求。

    This method only demand that the computer intemal memory satisfy the current calculation for the largest region .

  12. 最近,雀巢公司联合优酷网和开心网(一个社交网站),发起了一次宣传雀巢咖啡的在线活动。

    Recently , Nestl é launched an online campaign for Nescaf é coffee in association with Youku and Kaixin , a social-networking site .

  13. 联合新闻网记者斯蒂芬尚克兰最近写在照片营销协会了几个新的坚固耐用,防水相机在拉斯维加斯展上展出。

    CNET News reporter Stephen Shankland recently wrote about several new rugged , waterproof cameras on display at the Photo Marketing Association show in Las Vegas .

  14. 针对联合电力网潮流计算对计算机内存要求过于庞大的问题,提出了一种潮流计算的分解协调算法。

    Because the current calculation for union power system demands too many computer intemal memory , provided a method of dissociation - adjustment for the current calculation .

  15. 中央政府一直在解决问题,但中国联合钢铁网分析师胡艳平表示,由于当地政府对钢铁的不断支持,使得这一问题很难得到解决。

    The central government has tried to address this issue , but Hu Yanping , an analyst at Custeel.com , says local governments " continued support of steel producers is thwarting this attempt .

  16. 该模型可用来模拟计算裂缝性油藏(带边水或底水)的直井或水平井以及直井-水平井联合井网的开发问题。

    The model can be used to simulate the production process of a naturally fractured reservoir ( with edge water drive or bottom water drive ) with vertical wells , horizontal wells or their combination .

  17. 研究运用保角变换法、镜像反映和势叠加原理等渗流力学理论推导水平井直井联合井网产能公式,采用电模拟实验手段针对所建立的井网产能公式进行了验证、对比。

    The vadose theory , including conformal mapping , mirror image and superposition principle are used to derive the formulae for calculating the productivity of combined well pattern of horizontal and vertical wells , the formulae are proven and contrasted by electric simulation experiment based on the well pattern .

  18. 主要探讨了多种型号GPS接收机联合布设控制网的原理及可行性,介绍了野外星历数据采集及数据后处理的方法和技巧。

    This article mainly discusses the theory and feasibility of setting control network using multi-model GPS receiver . It introduces the methods and skills of the field collection and post processing for the Ephemeris data .

  19. 结果表明:与传统Delaunay三角网方法相比,利用联合Delaunay三角网和三角形局域连接方法能自动提取更完整的具有树结构的地形特征线。

    The results show that terrain features extracted by the UDT model and JLT methods are more complete and possess tree structures than using the former Delaunay triangulation method .

  20. 论文介绍了CALIS的文献传递网、联合参考咨询网等服务网络的建设情况,并提出下一步的建设发展规划。

    This paper introduces the building situation of the literature transmitting net and the union reference consultation net of CALIS , and proposes the next development plan .

  21. 中美牧草种质资源联合评价试验网中国试验区试验报告

    Joint Evaluation of Asian and North American Grassland Germplasm in China

  22. 对提高联合参考咨询网咨询服务质量的思考

    Discussion on the Promotion of the Consultation Service Quality of the Union Reference Services Net

  23. 腹腔镜联合取石网治疗胆总管结石

    Combined laparoscopy and calculus removed basket in the treatment of cholelith of common bile duct

  24. 结论打压植骨联合金属钛网固定在处理髋关节翻修术中髋臼缺损时,操作简单方便,疗效可靠。

    Conclusion : The treatment with acetabular defects by Ti alloy mesh and impaction allograft is easy and effective .

  25. 广东省立中山图书馆联合参考咨询网的发展对策

    The Measures for Developing the Combined Reference and Consultation Network of Sun Yat-sen Library in Gu and ong Province

  26. UPR联合SREBP-1c在内质网应激致大鼠NASH形成中的作用及意义

    The Role and Significance of UPR Combined with SREBP-1c Mediated by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Development of NASH in Rats

  27. 改革开放以后,国家计划经济委员会、国家经济贸易委员会、交通部联合颁布了国道网规划,并采取措施加快发展公路建设。

    After the reform and opening up , the State Planning Commission , the State Economic Commission and the Ministry of Transportation jointly issued a national highway network planning , and take measures to accelerate the development of highway construction .

  28. 进而得出有功、无功联合输电设备的利用份额,联合网损分摊的数学模型。

    Further , the transmission facility allocation and loss allocation models are obtained .