
  • 网络joint campaign
  1. 联合战役仿真系统是为研究联合战役中各军种之间的战法和协同而建立的基于HLA的仿真系统。

    The joint campaign simulation system is the simulation system based on HLA to study tactics and coordinated attack between army services in the joint campaign .

  2. 详细介绍了依托MAGE平台,采用多主体理论研制的联合战役决心方案自动生成系统,包括系统的框架结构、单个Agent设计、Agent间的协调、协作方法和系统的软件实现等;

    The system used to automatically make joint campaign decision and plan based on multi-agent technology and MAGE platform is discussed in detail , including the sysetem 's structure , the design for the agents , methods of coordination and cooperation between agents and the software realization .

  3. 构造联合战役条件下C4ISR综合性能仿真系统是目前C4ISR领域中最重要的应用之一。

    Effectiveness analysis of C4ISR backup joint operations is an important application in the area of C4ISR .

  4. 该文以联合战役为背景,基于比率与时延两类可量化、可测的指标因子构建了C4ISR系统综合性能评价指标体系总体架构。

    Oriented on Joint Operations , an architecture of measures of merit of C ~ 4ISR system is put forward based on percentage and time .

  5. 总结了信息化战争形态下,军事训练模拟领域对联合战役自动决策的军事需求;

    The military requirements of automatic joint campaign decision-making are analyzed .

  6. 面向联合战役模拟的想定数据模型研究与设计

    Research and Design of Scenario Data Model Orientated Towards Joint-campaign Simulating

  7. 联合战役目标选择理论与方法研究

    The Theory and Method of the Selective Objective of Combined Campaign

  8. 对构建联合战役一体化决策体系的思考

    The Cognizance on the Construction of Integral Decision-making System of Joint Campaign

  9. 联合战役决心方案自动生成问题研究

    Research on Automatic Making of Joint Campaign Decision and Plan

  10. 联合战役通信模拟多分辨率建模研究

    Study of Multiple Resolution Modeling in Joint Campaign Communications Simulation

  11. 联合战役油料输送系统模拟模型及优化研究

    The Research on Oil Transportation Simulation Model of Combined Campaign

  12. 联合战役战略装备支援的几个问题

    On Problems of Strategic Equipment Support in Combined Compaign

  13. 武器装备体系对抗联合战役推演系统总体方案研究

    Research on Overall Plan of the Armaments System Confrontation Joint Campaign Rehearsal System

  14. 联合战役装备保障防卫兵力需求分析的指标体系研究

    Index System of Force Requirement Analysis on Equipment Support Defense of Joint Campaign

  15. 联合战役火力毁伤指标体系研究

    The Research on Index System of Campaign Fire Damage

  16. 联合战役省军区动员地方经济研究

    Provincial mobilization of civilian economics for combined operations

  17. 联合战役决心方案的形式化表示方法

    The Formal Representation of Joint Campaign Decision

  18. 西北战区联合战役后勤指挥研究

    Combined logistic command in northwestern Theatre

  19. 联合战役地形分析

    Terrain Analysis for Combined Campaign

  20. 建立一体化决策体系是未来联合战役对决策的必然要求。

    It 's necessity to construct an integral decision making system for joint campaign in the future .

  21. 联合战役仿真演示系统

    Joint Campaign Simulation Demo System

  22. 在联合战役模拟中,想定数据是影响模拟系统运行的关键因素,构建合理的想定数据模型十分重要。

    In the joint-campaign simulating , the scenario data model is one of the keys which infect the simulation system running .

  23. 油料输送是联合战役油料保障中的重要环节,其本质是一个受多种随机因素影响的复杂过程。

    Oil transportation is an important part in the combined campaign . It is a complicated process affected by many random factors in essence .

  24. 信息作战是现代高技术战争中最重要的作战行动,影响着联合战役的各个作战领域和作战空间。

    Information combat , which is the most important maneuver in the modern high-tech war , affects each domain and space of joint warfare .

  25. 在联合战役中,制信息权将成为赢得战争主动权的关键,指挥自动化系统是夺取制信息权的重要保证。

    Information dominance plays a crucial role in achieving the operation superiority in joint operations , command automation system is the guarantee of obtaining information dominance .

  26. 对联合战役决心方案自动生成问题的研究现状、军事需求等方面进行了总结;

    In the paper , the research status quo , different viewpoints and military requirements of automatic making of joint campaign decision and plan are summed up .

  27. 在联合战役通信模拟中进行多分辨率建模能够较好地满足作战模拟的军事需求,提高模拟系统的开发效率。

    The application of Multiple Resolution Modeling in joint campaign communications simulation can meet the requirement of joint operations simulation well and enhance developing efficiency of simulation system .

  28. 并依照这些原则,实现了对联合战役指挥军事地理要素的分类;提出了一个基础和四个扩充的编码方法,并运用该方法,实现了对联合战役指挥军事地理要素的编码;

    It also brings forward the coding methods , namely , one base and four extension , and , base on the methods , finishes the geographic feature coding .

  29. 海上战略作战、海上联合战役、海上战术行动对卫星战略通信、战役通信、战术通信的支援提出了不同层次的需求;

    It must meet different demands from maritime strategic actions , combined operation actions , and tactical actions , and from strategic communication level , operational communication level to tactical communication level .

  30. 论述确定地形分析基本任务的逻辑关系,并分别研究了联合战役地形分析各基本内容的概念与分析方法。

    Discuss how to ascertain the logic relationship of the basic task of the terrain analysis , and consider the concepts and methods for basic contents of the terrain analysis for combined campaign apart .