
  • 网络association;Associative memory;fam
  1. 一种神经网络联想记忆模型在雷达伺服BIT设计中的应用

    The Application of a Neural Network Associative Memory Model in the Radar Servo BIT Design

  2. 人工神经元网络在DSS中的双向联想记忆法

    The Artificial Neural Network Bidirectional Associative Memory Used in DSS

  3. 一般多值双向联想记忆模型及其在IP地址识别中的应用

    A General Model for the Multi-valued BAM and Its Applications in IP Address Recognition

  4. 她心如乱麻。联想记忆:emotionalturmoil(纷乱的情绪)

    Her mind was in ( a ) turmoil .

  5. Hopfield连续联想记忆的吸引域和收敛速度研究

    Study on attraction domain and convergence rate of Hopfield associative memory

  6. 异联想记忆Hopfield神经网络的模型、算法及性能

    Hetero Associative Memory Hopfield NN Model , Learning Algorithms and Performance

  7. Hopfield型联想记忆神经网络一种新的分析方法

    A New Analytical Method for Hopfield Type Associative Memory Neural Networks

  8. 实验结果表明,基于联想记忆神经网络模型的BP算法,大大降低样本可变系统的网络训练次数。

    The BP algorithm training system is based on the improved BP algorithm and the information memory character of the Neural Network .

  9. Hopfield神经网络,又称联想记忆网络。

    Hopfield neural networks also known as associative memory networks .

  10. 离散Hopfield联想记忆神经网络的渐近行为

    Asymptotic Behavior of Discrete-Time Hopfield Associative Memory Neural Networks

  11. 混沌在Hopfield联想记忆网络中的应用

    The Application of Chaos in Hopfield Associative Memory Networks

  12. 离散Hopfield双向联想记忆神经网络的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of discrete time Hopfield BAM Neural Networks

  13. 离散Hopfield联想记忆网络的设计新方法及应用

    A Method of Designing Discrete Hopfield Associative Memory Neural Networks and Its Application

  14. 离散Hopfield神经网络是一类特殊的反馈网络,可广泛应用于联想记忆设计、组合优化计算等方面。

    The discrete Hopfield neural network is a special kind of feedback neural networks .

  15. HOPFIELD网络的联想记忆性质

    The associative memory property of the Hopfield network

  16. 具有时滞的双向联想记忆(BAM)的神经网络的全局动力学行为

    Global Dynamics of Delayed Bidirectional Associative Memory ( BAM ) Neural Networks

  17. BP神经网络具有联想记忆功能、容错性、鲁棒性以及很好的非线性映射能力,本文具体描述了神经网络样本的获取、网络结构的确定和训练。

    BP neural network has the robustness , associated memory and nonlinear mapping , this paper embodies ingathering of samples , confirmation of framework and training of network .

  18. 当前,Hopfield网络广泛地应用于优化计算和联想记忆中,取得了很好的效果。

    Hopfield network has been applied to optimal computation and associative memory and proved to be very effective .

  19. 最后,对具有逆Lipschitz激励函数的双向联想记忆模型进行研究。

    Finally , the bidirectional associative memory model with inverse Lipschitz activation function are discussed .

  20. 应用这些特性于实践及各种仿真研究中,都获得良好结果如联想记忆及ECG的数据压缩等。

    We used these features in practice and simulation research , satisfactory results were obtained , such as associated memory and data compression in ECG .

  21. 展现Hopfield神经网络的联想记忆研究的成果和意义,并将研究引向深入。

    Hopfield neural network to show associative memory and significance of the results of research , And will study in depth .

  22. 介绍了双向联想记忆(BAM)学习算法神经网络和误差后向传播(BP)神经网络在数控系统故障诊断中的应用实例。

    This paper presents examples of application of bidirectional associative memory ( BAM ) and back propagation ( BP ) to CNC fault diagnosis .

  23. 在作为联想记忆的Hopfield网络中,二元正交记忆模式的分析对网络记忆容量的研究起着重要作用。

    In associative Hopfield neural networks , analyzing binary orthogonal memory patterns plays a very important role in studying their storage capacity .

  24. 一个基于SDM改进模型的手写体汉字联想记忆系统的实现

    An Implementation of Handwritten Chinese Character Associative Memory System based on an Improved SDM Model

  25. 模糊推理网络(FIN)和模糊联想记忆网络(FAM)是两种最重要的FNN模型。

    Fuzzy inference network ( FIN ) and fuzzy associative memory network ( FAM ) are two most important FNN models .

  26. 人工神经网络(ANN)是一种自适应非线性动力学系统,具有可学习性和并行计算能力,可以实现分类、自组织、联想记忆等功能。

    ANN is a self-adapt non-linear dynamics system . It has abilities of learning and parallel computing , and it can be used to classify , self-organize and association memory .

  27. 基于SWA的核自联想记忆模型及其人脸识别应用

    Small-World Architecture Based Kernel Auto-Associative Memory Model and Its Application to Face Recognition

  28. 这些结果在应用Hopfield网络求解优化问题和联想记忆时拓广了神经元激活函数的选择范围。

    These results extend the choice range of activation function of neuron when using Hopfield net to solution of optimization problem or to associative memory .

  29. 本文介绍了一类多值联想记忆模型。其结构为具有复值离散激励函数的神经元的全连通Hopfield网络。

    This thesis reports a multivalued associative memory model admitting the architecture of fully connected Hopfield network with neurons possessing a complex-valued discrete activation function .

  30. 随机延时Hodgkin-Huxley神经网络的同步与联想记忆

    The Synchronization and Associative Memory of Hodgkin-Huxley Neural Network with Randomly Distributed Time Delays