
  • 网络advertising psychology
  1. 美国是当仁不让的广告心理研究大国和强国,其研究成果无论从数量上还是质量上都是其它国家无可比拟的。

    America was the super country of advertising psychology research , whether quantitatively or qualitatively .

  2. 劝说艺术与广告心理

    Persuasive Art and Advertising Psychology

  3. 网络广告心理特性与网络广告创作

    The Psychological Feature of Network Advertisement and the Creating of Network Advertisement

  4. 广告心理效果评价实证研究&小天鹅洗衣机电视广告大学生受众心理分析

    Effectiveness of " Little Swan " washer TV commercial : an empirical study

  5. 论网络广告心理效应及其对创作的影响

    Psychological Effects and Influence on Advertisement Creation

  6. 不同类型广告心理效果的性别差异研究

    A Research on the Gender Differences of the Psychological Effect of Different Type of Advertisements

  7. 吸引女大学生电视护肤品广告心理评价的核心因素特征

    A psychological evaluation on the core factors of television - advertisement of cosmetic attracting female undergraduates

  8. 网络广告心理效果评价是推进网络广告发展的重要因素。

    The appraisement of online advertising psychological effect is an important factor pushing online advertising development .

  9. 网络广告心理效应的有效实现是其深度发展的关键。

    The effective implementation of psychological effect of network advertisement is the key of its further development .

  10. 但对于广告心理效果测评的目的而言,大多数方法都存在一定的问题。

    But as to our objective of mental effects evaluation , these methods have some problems more or less .

  11. 而现代经济生活的发展也对广告心理效果测评工作提出了新的挑战。

    Moreover , the development of today 's business world has brought new challenges to the evaluation of advertising mental effects .

  12. 网络广告心理特性对创作产生重要影响,对网络广告的深入发展具有决定性作用。

    The psychological feature of network advertisement exerts an important influence in creating and plays a decisive role in its further developing .

  13. 然后探讨了广告心理效果研究的发展起源,指出广告心理研究是广告效果研究中一个关键的要素。

    Further , we introduce the source of advertising psychology research , pointing out that this is an essential aspect of advertising effects .

  14. 我们将广告心理效果与传播效果、行为效果进行比较,说明心理效果测评对于广告主的重要意义。

    And we compare advertising mental effects with communication effects and behavioral effects , demonstrating its importance to companies who want to evaluate their advertising campaigns .

  15. 消费者行为是在一定情境或背景下产生的,其中,社会情境中的广告心理效应是最重要的情境性影响因素。

    Consumer behavior is generated from a certain context or background , and the advertisement psychological effect of social context is the most important contextual influential factors .

  16. 为了说明构建广告心理效果测评模型的必要性和重要性,我们介绍了过去及现有实践中的各种广告心理效果测评方法。

    In order to demonstrate the need and importance to develop models to evaluate advertising mental effects , we make a particular introduction to various kinds of evaluation methods in practice , before and currently .

  17. 本文首先在广告心理效果评价中应用比较典型的Edward.K.Strong五阶段模型的基础上,结合服饰广告的特点,增加品牌效果的评价内容,形成完整的服饰平面广告效果评价模型。

    K. Strong five stages model which applied in advertising psychological evaluation typical and combining the characteristics of apparel advertising , increase brand effect of evaluation content , form the complete fashion print advertising effectiveness evaluation model .

  18. 本文主要研究广告的心理效果和销售效果。

    This paper mainly focuses on the mental effects and economical effects .

  19. 情感诉求广告及其心理效应分析

    The Emotional Appeal Advertisement and Its Psychological Effect Analysis

  20. 广告记忆心理与广告英语的表达

    Advertising memory psychology and expressing of English advertising

  21. 论广告的心理暗示作用

    On Functions of Mental Suggestion in Advertisements

  22. 论消费者心理的差异性及对广告的心理种类试论文化心理学与区域心理学的差异及契合性

    On Consumers Psychological Diversity and Variety Towards Adversing ; Try to Discuss the Differences and Conjunctions of Cultural Psychology and Regional Psychology

  23. 本文主要采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,重点论述了个体受众接受情感诉求广告的心理效应过程。

    This thesis combines the qualitative data analysis with the quantitative analysis , and focuses on discussing the psychological effect course of the audience accepting the emotional appeal advertising .

  24. 其次,论文研究了当前网络传播两个特殊的心理现象,即网络广告接受心理和黑客行为心理。

    Then , the paper studies two special psychological phenomena in the spread of present network medium . They are the receivable psychology of network advertisements and the behavioral psychology of hackers .

  25. 在广告传播心理的研究中,用现代心理与有关的心理学理论探讨、观照广告传播中的心理现象,能使广告传播心理理论更加融合,并得到纵深发展。

    In research on the psychology of advertising dissemination , one can make a better blend of it and go deep in the developments through the theoretical discussing on modern psychology and the psychology may concern and with the consideration of phenomenon in advertising dissemination .

  26. 广告诉求的心理基础与广告言语行为

    The Mentality Basic of Advertising and the Parole Act for Advertising

  27. 国外对平面广告受众注意心理的眼动研究

    Researches on Consumers ' Visual Attention to Print Advertisements Using Eye-Tracking Methodology

  28. 公益广告中民族心理特性的应用

    Application of National Psychological Characteristics to Public Welfare Advertisements

  29. 广告诉求的心理基础与语言策略

    Psychological Basis and Verbal Tactics of Ad Expression

  30. 商业广告位的心理策略

    The orientation of psychological strategy in commercial Ad