
  1. 色彩在广告视觉传达中的作用与美学效应

    The Function and Aesthetic Effects of Color in Advertising Visual Communication

  2. 新形势下的新挑战&中国广告视觉传达的趋势

    New Challenge under New Situations-Tendency of Visual Transmission for Advertisement in China

  3. 广告视觉传达与美学法则的应用

    Visual Communications in Advertising and Esthetics Beyond Vision

  4. 广告视觉传达发展趋势探究

    Developing trend of visual communication in advertising

  5. 广告视觉传达与创意表现

    Visual Transmission and creative expression in Ads

  6. 首次提出将网络插画广告视觉传达要素情节、图形、色彩、文字。

    For the first time the network will be advertising illustrations to convey the visual elements of the plot , graphics , color and text .

  7. 二是通过编制和数据分析,得到适合服饰奢侈品大学生消费者评价的服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告视觉传达设计实验问卷及量表。

    The second is through questionnaire development and data analysis , getting experiment questionnaire and scale of clothing luxury brand periodical advertisement visual communication design for college student .

  8. 接着,采用实验的方法,进一步研究服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告视觉传达设计。

    And also the paper confirms intention of 27 components . Thirdly , the approach of experiment is applied to further study on clothing luxury brand periodical advertising visual communication design .

  9. 全文完成了系统化建构网络插画广告视觉传达系统,为研究网络插画广告应以提供基础平台。

    The full text of the completion of the systematic construction of the network advertising illustrations to convey the visual system for the study of network advertising illustrations should provide the basis for the platform .

  10. 广告的视觉传达&同构

    Visual Communication of Advertisement : Isomorphism

  11. 强化平面广告的视觉传达

    Strengthening Advertisement Visual Transmission

  12. 分析和研究的重点在于情感色彩、完形构成设计、文字的形象化设计以及感觉设计在强化平面广告的视觉传达中的作用。

    The function of strengthening advertisement visual transmission in particular , which is in color emotion , gestalten , word image design and sensation design is focused on .

  13. 通过观念图形对广告的视觉传达,语言沟通,引导消费,利于竞争等方面的功能进行论述,从而为新形势下广告设计中观念图形的使用提供参考。

    Language communication , guiding consumption and benefiting competition , by concept to ads , which gives a reference to the use of concept pictures in ad design in the new situation .

  14. 近代报刊广告中的视觉传达&以《申报》为中心

    The Visual Communication of Modern Newspaper Advertising & Centered on Shen Paper

  15. 然而在我国现阶段这些美学理论往往多被运用于平面广告设计等视觉传达方面,而园林设计上对系统的色彩理论指导的渴求却被许多人所忽视。

    However , in present stage in China , these aesthetic theories have been used for print ads design in visual communication field , but many people neglected garden design for system color theory instructions .

  16. 平面广告设计作品作为视觉传达的载体,承担着传播信息的重任。平面广告设计无疑是一种站在时代的风口浪尖上的文化现象。

    As a carrier for visual transmission , plane advertisement design works undertake the task of conveying information , thus plane advertisement design is undoubtedly a cultural phenomenon that stands high in the epoch .

  17. 因此,本文以服饰奢侈品牌的期刊广告为研究对象,进一步研究服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告的视觉传达设计,以期找出有助于服饰奢侈品牌企业期刊广告策划的视觉传达设计优化方案。

    Therefore , the research selects clothing luxury brands ' periodical advertisement , further studies clothing luxury brands ' periodical advertisement visual communication design , aim to help clothing luxury brand enterprises find optimization scheme on periodical advertisement visual communication design .

  18. 基于网络广告学提出网络插画广告的种类。课题将网络插画广告与视觉传达系统有机的结合在一起进行系统化研究。

    Web-based advertising network proposed illustration of the types of ads. Internet advertising will be subject illustration and visual communication system , the organic combination of systematic research .

  19. 第二,探索了广告非常规视觉语言的另类、歧义和混搭等所表现的广告视觉传达的新奇性、解构性和活泼性等非理性特征。

    Second , explore the unconventional visual language is additional kind of advertising , ambiguity and mix , and other performance of the performance of the advertising of visual communication novelty , deconstruction of sex and lively irrational trait .

  20. 广告成为企业开拓市场、树立品牌、促进销售的重要手段,因此广告的设计也越来越专业化,广告设计者就越来越注重广告设计的视觉传达和创意表现。

    In the modern society , advertisement is the key step in developing market , building brand and promoting sales .