
  • 网络Typography
  1. 现代平面版式艺术中的文字编排设计

    The Art of Character Format in the Art of Modern Plan Page Format

  2. 阐述了现代平面版式艺术中的文字编排设计理念,重点分析平面版式中文字编排的设计方法。

    This paper expatiates on the designing ideas of the art of character format in the modern plan page format and the ways to format the character .

  3. 分析了文字编排创意的具体表现技巧及个性特征,文字视觉语言个性化与实际应用的关系。

    The concrete expression skills and individual characters of font layout originality are analysed , and the relation between individualization of font vision language and practical application is emphasized .

  4. 讲述网站版式设计的构成要素,并从整体布局、色彩运用、文字编排、图形化设计等方面总结和归纳企业类网站版式设计的表现策略。

    Give an account of website format design elements . Summarizes and induction enterprise website format design strategy from the overall layout , colors , font layout , graphic design , etc.4 .

  5. 现代设计是基于西方的设计理论体系发展而来,西方的文字编排方式同样也是依据西方文字的结构形式逐渐确立的,特别是以英文为代表的拉丁字。

    Western modern design is based on the design of theoretical system developed from the West for the presentation of the same text is based on the structure of the West gradually established , especially in English as the representative of the Latin word .

  6. 在每个文字的编排上我们就会做到这一点。

    In each text layout we will achieve this point .

  7. 为了体现古汉语文本的语言结构,梅维恒在文字的编排上作了精心的设计。

    In order to reflect the language structure of ancient Chinese , the translator made an elaborate design of the text layout .

  8. 我们将我们的文字依序编排,将我们的生活点缀得闪闪发光。我们甚至不知道是否有任何人在倾听。

    We put our words into order , until our lives are glistening , we don 't even know if anyone is listening .

  9. 文字和图分别编排后再进行混排。

    Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined .

  10. 它涉及的实用面很广,需要处理图形、文字、色彩、编排及现代印刷等方面的综合问题,而版画藏书票画面虽小,也具有这一功能。

    It connected with most synthetic problems , such as graphs , words , colors , arrangements and printing .

  11. 传统的文本格式的文件、简历等现在可以将图像纳入其中了,这还得感谢图像在文字处理软件和编排格式增强手段中的广泛应用。

    Traditionally text-based documents , resumes may now incorporate images thanks to the widespread use of graphics in word processing programs and formatting enhancements .

  12. 进而对两种文字形成的不同编排方法进行了探索,寻求中文字体在编排上对英文编排形式语言的借鉴与创新。

    Thus forming the text of two different format for the exploration , scheduled for Chinese character in the form of presentation on the English language lessons and innovation .

  13. 以平面设计中文字个性化的视觉表现形式为切入点,论述了如何取得文字编排的视觉语言个性化与视觉传达功能的兼容并蓄。

    Beginning from the individualized vision expression form of Chinese fonts , it is discussed how to acquire harmoniousness between individualization of font vision language and function of vision transmitting in font layout .

  14. 该书通过全面整理甲骨文、金文、战国文字、秦文字的出土材料与研究文献,将全部先秦文字进行了谱系编排,从宏观上构拟了一个广义的古文字发展谱系。

    Book by finishing Oracle , Jin , Warring States text , Qin text excavated material and research literature , all of the pre-Qin text pedigree arrangement contemplated a sense of ancient writing development spectrum , from the macro structure .