
  • 网络literary sociology;sociology of literature
  1. 如果从文艺社会学和人类心理学的角度重新给以审视,则可以看到,合作化带头人作为新时代的卡里斯马,由于缺乏强悍的个性,造成其神圣性和原创性的匮乏,其道德感召力也令人怀疑。

    If observing from the angle of literary sociology , we can see that leaders of the cooperative , as Charisma of the new age , are short of holiness and originality because of their strong characters , and their power of moral calling is in doubt .

  2. 重建文艺社会学是必要的&文艺学学科发展的一种构想

    It Is Necessary to Reconstruct Sociology of Literature & Hypothesis of Literature Subject Development

  3. 重建文艺社会学三题

    Three Issues on Reconstructing Literary and Artistic Sociology

  4. 文艺社会学批评理论的新向度&传播论批评当代生命科技伦理研究的新向度

    The New Dimension of the Research into the Ethics in Modern Life Science and Technology

  5. 文艺社会学理论形态,有传统与现代之别。

    The theoretic patterns of literary and artistic sociology include traditional pattern and modern pattern .

  6. 翻译的文艺社会学观

    On Social Mechanism of Literary Translation

  7. 作为一门交叉学科,文艺社会学有不同的理论形态、学术范式、学科定位。

    As an interdisciplinary subject , literary and artistic sociology has different theoretical forms , academic patterns and subject orientations .

  8. 因此,在“走向文化诗学”的同时,有必要“重建文艺社会学”。

    So , it is necessary to ` reconstruct literature sociology ' when we ` walk up to literature poetics ' .

  9. 作为一门学科,文艺社会学1930年代在中国创建,1970年代末开始重建;

    As a subject , literary and artistic sociology was established in China in 1930s , and was reconstructed by the end of 1970s .

  10. 文艺社会学和社会文艺学,类似于文学研究和文化研究。

    The relationship between literary and artistic sociology and study of ( social ) literature is similar to that between literature study and culture study .

  11. 较之文化研究、文化诗学、重建文艺社会学的理论构想,齐马理论汲取和融合了它们的理论优势;

    Comparing with the cultural research , culture poem and reconstruction of literature and art sociology , the text sociology absorbs and merges the advantages of these theories .

  12. 20世纪90年代,曾有论者提出文艺社会学批评理论要走出古典形态,开拓现代形态,建立中介论的文艺社会学批评理论。

    In 1990 's , quite a few critics considered that literary sociological criticism should get out the classical mode and develop its modern mode , setting up a literary sociological criticism theory based on " medium theory " .

  13. 文化诗学作为文化研究中的文学研究,其阐释重心在于“文本”和“语境”的关系。而这,其实也就是一种具有现代形态的文艺社会学。

    As the literature research is culture research field , cultural poetics , also known as a kind of sociology of literature in modern form , is focusing on the explanation of the relation of ` text ' & ` context ' .

  14. 他克服了传统的文艺社会学、文艺政治学研究的不足,关注艺术本体与人的生存方式之间的联结,从而扩大了理论探索的思维空间和逻辑进向。

    In case of previous disadvantage of sociology of literary or art , he has pay attention to the relations between noumenon of art and the way of man life , widen the space of theory thinking and the direction of logical .

  15. “中介论”的引入,为文艺社会学研究提供了一种全新的思维方式、理论构架模式,克服了传统直观反映论的理论缺陷,增强了理论的科学性、现代辨证思维色彩和说服力。

    Intermediary View offers sociology researching of liberal arts a completely new thought way and theory constructing model , which overcomes the defects of traditional " Direct Reflective View ", and emphasizes the theory 's scientific quality , modern dialectical ideas and persuasion .

  16. 因此,文本社会学不但可以成为重建文艺社会学的一种有效途径,而且可以成为21世纪中国文艺学学科多元化、多样化发展的一种理论范式。

    Therefore , Text sociology not only can become a kind of effective way of rebuilding literature and art sociology , but alos can become a kind of theory normal form of development for China 's literature and art discipline pluralism and diversification in the 21st century .

  17. 本文采取的是文献研究法、跨学科研究法相结合的方式,在文献研究的过程中,笔者发现该课题的研究将涉及到心理学、文艺学、社会学等学科。

    The author finds that research of paper involves psychology , literature and art , sociology , and other disciplines .

  18. 本文运用了文艺学、社会学、语用学、修辞学等方法,对17年蒙古话剧语言艺术进行了整合分析。

    The thesis makes a comprehensive analysis over the language art of " 17 years " Mongol modern drama , using the theory of literature and art sociology pragmatics rhetoric .

  19. 本文依据民俗学、民间文艺学、社会学、文化人类学等相关学科的方法,对山西非物质文化遗产传承人群体进行整体、动态、系统的研究。

    This article based on folklore , folk art , sociology , cultural anthropology and other related disciplinary approach , the inheritors of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Shanxi groups as a whole , dynamic system .

  20. 在向文艺学、社会学等学科延伸时,后现代思维对宏大叙事的认识,更具一定偏颇性&特别是该理论在阐释第三世界国家文化的时候。

    To literary theory , sociology and other disciplines extension , the post-modern thinking on the " grand narrative " of understanding , more of a certain bias - in particular , to explain the theory in the Third World when the national culture .

  21. 这对于丰富发展文艺美学、文艺政治学、文艺社会学和文艺经济学、文艺政策学、文化管理学,都将有自己的贡献。

    The study will make some contributions to the development of culture arts aesthesis , culture arts politics , culture arts socialism , culture arts economics , culture arts policy study , and culture arts management .

  22. 有关社会时尚与文艺创作互动关系的考察,是文艺社会学与文艺文化学研究的一个交叉领域;

    It is an important overlapping field between literary and artistic sociology and literary and artistic culturology to study the interactions of social fashions and literary and artistic creation .