
  • 网络literature and history
  1. 大学文史类数学教学内容与方法探索

    Research on literature and history 's of university mathematical teaching contents and methods

  2. 从不同的专业来看,文史类大学生生活满意度显著高于理工类大学生。

    From the major point of view , Literature and History Students ' life satisfaction was significantly higher than that of Science and Engineering students .

  3. 大学生的学校适应存在专业差异:文史类学生的整体适应情况显著好于理工类学生。

    The school adjustment of college student have differences in major .

  4. 文史类专业学生的自我概念低于理工科和师范类学生。

    Self-concept of arts students is lower than science students as well as normal students .

  5. 在反向理解、反向应对差异显著,且理工科学生得分高于文史类。

    It has significant difference in reverse understanding and reverse response factors , and the science students scored higher than liberal arts .

  6. 不同性别和专业的高师生在学业成绩上存在显著差异,其中高师女生的学业成绩显著高于男生,理工类学生显著高于文史类和艺体类学生。

    There is different in academic achievement between different gender and majors . The academic achievement for girls is higher than boys and technology students are higher than history student . 4 .

  7. 研究图式理论与英语听力理解的关系,尤其是图式理论对大学非英语专业的理工类和文史类学生的英语听力理解的影响,从而指导英语教学。

    It studies the relationship between schema theory and English listening comprehension , especially the influence of schema theory to the English listening comprehension of non-English major college students majored in arts and science .

  8. 阐述了文史类高等数学教学改革的必要性,就大学文史类数学教学内容的设置进行了探索和研究。

    The necessity of advanced mathematical teaching reform in the category of literature and history in colleges and universities was stated . Researching and studying the setting of higher-math teaching contents in these categories were studied .

  9. 在积极情绪调节策略上,非独生子女使用的积极情绪调节策略显著多于独生子女,艺术类学生使用的积极情绪调节策略显著少于文史类与理工类学生;

    On the use of positive emotion regulation strategies , the non-only children are significantly more than the only children , the art students are significantly fewer than the literature and history and science and engineering students ;

  10. 艺体类的大学生的分数要高于文史类、理工类和农医类;大学三年级的被试在探索性因子得分高于大学一年级和大学二年级的学生。

    Arts body type of college students ' scores higher than of literature of science and engineering , and the agriculture cure kind ; Junior to " exploratory " in the score higher than a freshman and sophomore students .

  11. 学习倦怠的三个维度中,体育专业大学生的行为不当比较严重,而情绪没有文史类大学生低落,成就感高于文史和理工类大学生。

    In the three dimensions of learning burnout , sports undergraduates ' depersonalization is the most serious . The emotional exhaustion is less serious than that of liberal arts undergraduates . The lack of personal accomplishment is more serious than that of science undergraduates .

  12. 正向应对差异显著,且文史类学生得分高于理工科学生。第三,人际信任在性别上差异显著,女生人际信任程度明显高于男生,但总体显示男女生的人际信任程度普遍不高。

    Significant difference in positive response factor , and students of liberal arts scored higher than the Science students . Third , interpersonal trust has significant difference in gender , and female was higher than male , but the extent of interpersonal trust in general are not high in all .

  13. 新闻传播学专业的学生不同于文史、理工类学生,有其鲜明的个性特点。

    Different from the students of arts or science majors , students in the major of journalism and communication have unique features .

  14. 体育专业存在学习倦怠心理的大学生人数超过了文史和理工类大学生,但倦怠程度低于文史类大学生。

    More sports undergraduates are burnt-out in learning psychology than liberal arts undergraduates and science undergraduates , but the burnout level is lower than that of liberal arts undergraduates .