
  • 网络composition
  1. 语文教学设计的文章学原理探析

    Principles of Composition in Chinese Teaching Design

  2. 论宋元时期的文章学

    On the Learning of Essay Writing in Song and Yuan Dynasties

  3. 写作学和文章学、阅读学的分工与合作

    The co-operation and sharing-out of writing with the Article study and Reading

  4. 中国古代戏曲文章学价值重估

    Re-assessment of the Value of the Text in the Traditional Chinese Opera

  5. 曾祥芹及其独立文章学的研究

    To learn English Zeng Xiangqin : An Independent Essay-study

  6. 文章学视野下的《人民日报》社论研究

    The Study on Editorials in People 's Daily in the Perspective of Essays

  7. 这些方面虽然没有涵盖文章学的一切问题,但包括了其中的最基本问题。

    These are not the wholeness but the most basic issues of the writings-ology .

  8. 阅读的审美诉求与文章学阅读教学

    Tasting Sensibility of Reading and Article Teaching Method

  9. 中国古代文章学的文化特征

    Cultural Characters of the Chinese Ancient Writings-ology

  10. 孔子对文章学的贡献

    Contribution of Confucius to Compositions

  11. 阅读教学观介绍顾黄初对阅读教学的三大理论基石:语言学理论、文章学理论和文学理论的论述。

    Reading teaching viewpoint includes three footstones : theory of linguistics , theory of article , theory of literature .

  12. 对“奇”的含义,可以从哲学、美学、审美心理、叙事、文章学等多个层面进行理解。

    It can be interpreted from the perspectives of philosophy , esthetics , esthetic psychology , narration and article studies .

  13. 第三章首先指出文章学视野之下的文体意识,以及文体意识的不均衡问题。

    The third paragraph point out the problem of disproportion of recognition of style under the view of article subject .

  14. 由于文献久晦,元代陈绎曾的文章学观点颇为学界忽视。

    Due to the lack of data , Chen Yizeng and his theories of prose are ignored by the academic circle .

  15. 一些人,包括文章学研究者和语文教师,都缺乏文章学的观念。

    Another reason is that the researchers as well as the teachers of Chinese have no correct understanding of the essay-study .

  16. 随文章学的兴起而发展,时至明清,小说评点集其大成。

    It develops with the rising of textual analysis and synthesizes the annotations on novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  17. 第四章以金圣叹的小说、戏曲评点为例,来说明文章学视野的影响。

    The fourth paragraph explains the influence of the view of article subject by illustrating Jin 's comments on the novels and opera .

  18. 迄今为止的汉语语篇研究大体可以分为文章学、语法学和话语分析三个时期。

    The history of research on Chinese texts can mainly be divided into three periods : writing art , grammar and discourse analysis .

  19. 文章学指专门研究文章性质、功能、构造及读写文章的规律和方法的科学。

    The essay study specialized research articles in nature , function , structure and read and write articles , laws and methods of science .

  20. 我国古代文章学起源很早,早在先秦的诸子文献中就有关于文章重要性的讨论。

    Ancient China article learn early origins as early as the pre-Qin philosophers in the literature there is discussion on the importance of the article .

  21. 这是现代意义的文章学定义,它是历代文学家、批评家在不断实践中得出的结论。

    This is the definition of the modern sense of the article , it is come to the conclusion of the ancient writers , critics constantly practice .

  22. 前者从文章学角度揭示了基础语文学科与实际生活的关系和由此所决定的基础性与工具性特征;

    The former reveals the relationship between basic language subject and the real life , and the basic and instrumental characteristics , which are determined by the relationship .

  23. 这对把握公文写作规律是很重要的,但它毕竟局限于文章学的范畴,显然是不够全面的。

    This rule to hold the document writing are important , but it is limited to the scope of the article , it is clear that is not comprehensive enough .

  24. 从文献学、古代文学理论方面考察,现代“文学批评”与古代“文章学”歧异分明。

    According to the observation of philology and the ancient literary theories , the author finds out that the modern " literary criticism " differs greatly from the ancient " articlology " .

  25. 探究语文教材文选系统的文化要体现语文学科的特点,应以相关理论为指导,如语言学、教育文化学、语文课程与教学论、文学理论和文章学等理论。

    Exploring the culture in Chinese teaching should reflect the characteristics of the relevant theories as a guide , such as linguistics , pedagogy , curriculum and teaching of language and literature theory and the theory of the article .

  26. 《文心雕龙》是我国传统文化中的一颗璀璨的明珠,是一部伟大的理论批评著作,在我国古代文学批评、文章学、修辞学的发展历史中,占有重要的地位。

    Dragon-Caving and The literary Mind is a dazzling pearl in Chinese traditional culture , which is a great work about theory criticism that plays an important role in the development of the history about Chinese ancient literary criticism , article theory and rhetoric .

  27. 为了理解其重要性,我们必须回想一下从该系列文章所学的知识。

    To understand why this is important , we must recall what we have learned so far from this series .

  28. 他为学独宗程朱,对陆王学派、汉学和文章之学均表示出轻视的态度。

    In the field of studying he revered Cheng-Zhu Confucian and despised Lu-Wang school , Sinology and the study of the article .

  29. 《红楼梦》又是文学鉴赏的最佳教材,是文章鉴赏学的极好范例。

    As the summit of Chinese ancient novels , A Dream of Red Mansions is paradigm either for novel writing or on literal appreciation .

  30. 首先文章从学理上论证了这种建构的可能性,指出以和解代替调解是民事诉讼制度发展不可逆转的趋势;

    Article proves the possibility of construction , points out that conciliation replacing mediation is an irreversible trend of the development of civil procedure system ;